Monday, December 19, 2016

5 Secrets to Jump Start Your Cash Flow

5 Secrets to Jump Start Your Cash Flow
Whether you have been investing for years or are just starting your journey out of the Rat
Race, every investor needs direction and motivation. Understood and followed for years
by the rich, there are key secrets that will help every investor from the active day trader to
the budding entrepreneur to the seasoned real estate investor get better, gain leverage,
and invest wisely.
As you read Rich Dad Coaching’s “5 Secrets to Jump Start Your Cash Flow” seek to un-
derstand how each one applies in your investing pursuits and do not be quick to dismiss
one as beneath you or too advanced. The most important aspect of each principle is that
you are accountable to actually putting them into practice. These secrets are tried and
true. Learn to apply them and you will accomplish more than you would have otherwise.
With that being said, let us begin.
Secret #1 – Know Your Game Plan and Outcome.
There  is  a  difference  between  those  who  know  “how”  to  invest  and  those  who  know
“why”  to  invest.  And  by  “why,”  we  do  not  mean  some  esoteric  higher-purpose—even
though a greater goal is important. No, we mean, “why did you invest $50,000 in option
A instead of option B?”
There  are  two  kinds  of  investors.  You  can  be  an  educated  investor  or  a  successful
investor. An educated investor is someone who either through study or street smarts
knows “how” to do deals. Whether it is from diligence in educational pursuits, executing
numerous deals, or a combination of both, the educated investor understands the ins
and outs of a deal. We all need to be educated, but the educated investor stops with
the know-how.
Successful investors understand “why” to do a deal.
Successful  investors  are  also  educated  and  continually  seek  out  education.  The  dif-
ference is the successful investor not only knows how to “do the deal,” but how each
investment contributes a critical piece to their overall investment plan and strategy.
Without a plan in place, you are relegating yourself to a career of simply being an inves-
tor who knows what to do. You will move from deal to deal building a long and varied
portfolio, but never go anywhere. Imagine going to the grocery store without a list or a
menu. You would go up and down the aisles fi nding bargain prices and “great deals” on
item after item; but because you lacked a list or plan, you would leave the store with only
some tubes of toothpaste, a couple cases of soda pop, and an assortment of buy-one-
get-one-free snacks. While you may have saved 70% on your grocery bill, you have left
without anything for dinner tonight.
If you do not know why you are making a deal or investment, then it does not matter how
great it is or how fl awlessly you execute it. Education is important; but if you are aimlessly
pursuing opportunities without thought for the bigger picture, you can easily fi nd yourself
holding a portfolio that does not allow you to realize your dream.

3 Step Guide to Financial Freedom By Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad’s

3 Step Guide to Financial Freedom By Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad’s

I often write about real-life investments. I do this because I want you to understand
how I use my financial education.
I write to encourage you to learn, study, practice, and possibly see the world differently.
Today, there is a lot of money in the world. There are trillions of dollars looking for a
home because governments of the world are printing trillions in counterfeit money,
aka fiat currency. Governments do not want the world to go into a depression, so they
print more funny money. This is why the price of gold and silver go up and why savers
are losers.
The problem is that this phony money is in the hands of only a few people. So, the
rich get richer, the poor and middle class grow poorer, the economy worsens, and the
problem grows bigger.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, poverty in America increased to nearly 15
percent of the population in September 2010. This means over 4 million people moved
from the middle class into poverty. This is dangerous. This is not healthy.
With that said, there are three important parts to your financial education:
1. Learning the real difference between an asset and a liability. We will discuss
this below.
2. Learning which mindset you are in and knowing which one you need to be in.
This is why I have included the CASHFLOW® Quadrent section of this book.
Pay special attention at how the various quadrants define an asset. It is very
different. One will grow your success, the other will keep you in the rat race
3. Putting the first two parts into action and creating your own success. We’ll
cover the first two parts of financial education here in this eBook. When you
are ready to take action I highly recommend you start playing CASHFLOW®
the board game and CASHFLOW® the webgame (free at
to start practicing how you can free yourself from the rat race.
I am writing this eBook because it does not help heal the world if I do not share what I
know. That would be greedy. I write because I believe we need real financial education
before the world economy can truly recover. Ultimately, I write because I believe it is
better to teach you to fish than to give you a fish.
The most important thing is
you need to know
One of the things I learned from my rich dad when I was nine years old was what
determined if something was an asset or a liability—and it is not what your banker or
your real estate broker calls it. What determines if something is an asset or a liability is
a very important word—probably the most important word in business and investing.
The word is cash flow. In other words, if the cash is flowing into your pocket, then the
item is an asset.
I have a lot of rental properties. Every month, cash flows into my pocket from that real
estate. However, with my personal residence, cash flows out of my pocket. My rich
dad would say, “My rental properties are assets, but my personal residence is a liability
because the cash is flowing out.” One of the reasons people struggle financially is
because they don’t understand the difference between assets and liabilities. Now, I’m
not saying, “Don’t buy a house, and don’t buy a big house.” I’m not saying, “Live cheaply
and frugally,” because I don’t believe in that. If you want to be successful financially,
the most important thing is you need to know the difference between an asset and a
liability. That requires financial literacy.
With this eBook, I will show you how to reduce some of your investment risk by
increasing your financial literacy.
Although I had a rich dad who taught me many things, I still came from a relatively
poor family. I’m not one of these rich kids whose daddy gave him a lot of money or a
big trust fund or a company to inherit. That’s not my story. In fact, back in 1985, my
wife, Kim, and I were homeless because one of my businesses had failed.
I don’t say that to be dramatic. It’s just to explain that I had to come off the streets. I
had to bounce back from a tremendous setback to achieve what I have today. All my
rich dad gave me was guidance on how to go from where I was to where I am today.
That’s what I want to share with you. I want to share the insight, wisdom, and my rich
dad’s teachings on how to become a wealthy person. I want to teach you how to fish
rather than give you a fish.
Now, what you’ll read may disrupt some of your thoughts and maybe some of your
core beliefs, but I want to reassure you that my rich dad knew what separated winners
from losers. The reason many people are not successful is because of fear. They say,
“I don’t want to invest because it’s risky,” or “I don’t want to start my own business
because it’s risky,” or “What happens if I lose money?” or “What happens if I fail?”
Rich Dad’s 3 Step Guide to Financial Freedom
These words reflect the core value of security. The fear of failing, the need for a steady
paycheck, and a fear of change influence their core fears.
My wife and partner, Kim often speaks about this. She says, “I first started investing in
1989. Fearful and unsure of what I was doing, I stumbled around neighborhoods near
our home and finally found a cute 2-bedroom, 1-bath house that seemed to be a good
rental prospect. I nervously put in an offer, and with a little back-and-forth negotiation,
my offer was accepted. Now more fear kicked in. I was more focused on what I might
lose versus what I would get. I looked for every excuse possible for why I shouldn’t
buy that house. I somehow quieted my fear long enough to go ahead and buy the
property, taking very deep breaths along the way.”
The people who are going to be successful must first face their fear. I am not sure
you ever conquer your fears, but you can face them and overcome them as you find
success. Successful people, or “winners” as rich dad called them, take control of their
lives. They know that their mistakes are their opportunities to learn and to grow. The
fear of investing does not frighten them. It challenges them.
Why do some people get rich and others don’t? I think that question can be answered
from the diagram below known as the CASHFLOW® Quadrant.
My rich dad said there are four different
types of people in business. The “E,” the “S,”
the “B,” and the “I”. “E” stands for employee.
“S” stands for self-employed or small
business. “B” stands for big business or
business owner and “I” stands for investor.
The answer to why some people make
more money than others can be found in
the CASHFLOW® Quadrant. Before I explain
more specifically why some people get rich
and others do not, let’s get into the different
people found in the quadrant.
On the left side of the CASHFLOW® Quadrant is the “E” and the “S,” which stands
for employee and self-employed or small business owner. On the right side of the
quadrant is the “B” and the “I,” which stands for business owner or big business and “I”
for investor.
In other words, if your cash flow comes from
a job, then you’re an employee. If your income
comes primarily from your investments, for
example, Kim and I are in the “I” Quadrant simply
because most of our income comes from
investments. That’s how I know where I am,
it’s where the cash flow comes from. If you’re
self-employed and you can’t stop working, then
you’re an “S.” A “B” Quadrant business owner is
somebody who has a business but can leave it
at-will and the income still continues to come in.
What determines which quadrant you’re in is, very
simply, where does your cash flow come from?
That’s why it is called the CASHFLOW® Quadrant.
If you’re on the left side, you’re on the “E” and
the “S.” Most of your income comes from a job.
This is the cash flow pattern of a poor person.
The money comes in and goes out the expense
column. Money in and money out. The cash flow
pattern of a middle class person also comes from
a job. Money comes in, but because they have
better credit history, they have lots of liabilities.
The reason you know something is a liability is
because a liability will also show up on the expense side of the financial statement.
Money comes in, then the liabilities trigger a monthly payment, and the money flows
out the expense column again.
What makes the rich “rich” is they have cash flow that doesn’t come from a job. It
actually comes from the asset column. For example, Kim and I own businesses, real
estate and stocks. The reason we don’t have to work is because cash flows out of our
asset column into our income column and that income from our assets pays off our
expenses. That’s why we’re financially free today.
The Rich Dad Company’s mission statement is to raise the financial well-being of
humanity. Another way of saying this is, to help people move from the ‘E’ and the ‘S’
Quadrants to the ‘B’ and the ‘I’.
Rich Dad’s 3 Step Guide to Financial Freedom
Moving to the Right Side
of the Quadrant
My rich dad said, “If you’re going to be a business owner, you have to be able to
understand the four people found in the world of business. He said, “You can tell
an employee by simply listening to their words. An employee will always say, ‘I’m
looking for a safe, secure job.’ The moment you hear that; you know the quadrant they
come from or their core values or their belief system. It is what we call ‘the employee
mindset.’ The highest value for the E quadrant is security.” What rich dad was saying
was what drives employees is fear or uncertainty. They don’t like that so they seek
security as a response.
For the S quadrant, which is the self-employed or small business owner, rich dad said,
“You can always tell that person because their words are different. Their words go,
‘I’m going to charge you $100 per hour,’ or ‘My commission is 6%,’ or ‘I’ll get to it next
week. I don’t have time this week, because I’m all tied up.’” The value of an S or a small
business owner is independence. They don’t trust other people. Their theme song is
“Nobody Does It Better” or Frank Sinatra’s, “I Did It My Way.”
You can often tell an S quadrant person because in their minds they’re legends. “I’m
the best.” For example, I go to a chiropractor. In his mind, he’s the best chiropractor
in the world. I ask about the chiropractor across the street, and he says, “No, you
shouldn’t go to him, because I’m the best in the world.” Oftentimes, the S also stands
for highly specialized. It also stands for very smart, because in the S quadrant you’ll
find the smartest people from school. That’s where you find the doctors, accountants,
attorneys, and engineers. It also stands for solo. They like to do things on their own so
they’re a completely different breed of individual.
In my opinion, the S quadrant is the riskiest quadrant because they really don’t have
a safety net under them. For example, a friend of mine is a consultant. He lives in
the mountains of Colorado. He was driving home one night in his Land Rover. Then,
all of a sudden he slid off the road. He was in the hospital for 6 months. That meant
because he couldn’t work his family had no income coming in to them. To make
matters worse, my friend owned a lot of liabilities.
Another drawback of operating from the S quadrant is that the government taxes
the S quadrant much heavier than the B quadrant, so the S quadrant not only has
employees to deal with they have to deal with themselves. They have to deal with the
government, too. Plus, their income is often predicated upon their production. Now,
for some, S can also stand for the most satisfying. People say, “I really love my work. I
love being a consultant” or “I love being a doctor.” However, S also stands for the less
My rich dad always said, “You need to mind your own business.” Sometimes the
problem with being on the E and the S side is you spend the vast amount of your
working hours minding somebody else’s business. Your boss’ job is not to make you
rich. That’s your job. The rich will always give people money for an asset, but the E
and the S think that money itself is the asset. The B quadrant investor knows that the
business is the asset, not the money, so they’ll always pay somebody. For instance,
I’ll always pay my employees and my specialists to build my asset. The asset is more
important than the money. So, the E and the S side oftentimes places more value on
money than assets.
My rich dad said, “If you’re going to be a business owner, you have to really understand
these types of people.” A business owner is looking for something different. A
business owner is looking for a system. In other words, McDonald’s is a brilliant
system for producing hamburgers. There are a lot of small business owners who
have hamburger shops, but they don’t have a system for producing the hamburger.
Investors rarely invest in an employee or a small business. The reason doctors’
practices oftentimes don’t fetch the high prices like an Internet company will fetch is
because a doctor’s practice is often only purchasable by another doctor. The market is
very limited.
The difference between the E and S and the B is a word called “leverage.” The S
business owner cannot afford to leave or stop working. My rich dad said, “You know
you’re a B quadrant business owner if you can leave your business for a year or more
and come back and find the business more profitable and running better without you.”
That is one of the big keys between a B business owner and an S business owner.
The S business owner, if they stop working, very often their income stops also. So,
as my rich dad said, “If you’re an E quadrant employee, you have a job. An S quadrant
business owner owns a job. That’s the difference.”
What a B quadrant or a big business person has is that they own a system. Today,
people think that in order to create a big business, they have to play in the world of
high tech. To that, I say, remember that Starbucks created a business system around
a cup of coffee and they became a billion-dollar company. So it’s not necessarily high
tech or the industry, it’s how you look at building the business. Are you building a
This is the hard part for most people. Investors and venture capitalists generally only
invest in B quadrant businesses. The reason a lot of times E’s and S’s are not good
investors is because they really do not understand the B quadrant. Microsoft is a B
business. Joe’s Computer Repair Shop is an S quadrant business. An investor would
rarely invest in a computer consultant, but they’ll invest all day long in Microsoft. A
Rich Dad’s 3 Step Guide to Financial Freedom
person who is putting money into a mutual fund is not really an investor. Although
it’s a form of investment, they’re really savers. In the I quadrant, an investor will say,
“What’s my return on investment?” also known as ROI.
The point I’m making here is that between the E, the S, the B, and the I, if a person
really wants to become rich, they need to fully assess their core competencies. In
other words, if you’re an employee making $50,000 a year, the chances are harder for
you to become rich because from the E quadrant, the taxes are the highest. Whereas
in the B quadrant, if you work really hard, you can expand or leverage out your time
with other people.
The people in the E and the S quadrant, the reason they have a harder time is because
for them time is money. In other words, a dentist can only work on so many people per
day. An employee only has so many hours in a day. The key word there is ‘leverage.’
How much leverage, or how much bang for your buck, or time, can you get? The E and
the S are limited, and ironically, the tax laws are written against the E and the S. The
best quadrant to get rich in is the B quadrant. They have the most leverage and the
most favorable tax laws.
What About Taxes?
Often people call me up and say, “Well, I formed my corporation so I can avoid taxes.”
To which I respond, “That’s illegal.” My point is this: If you do something strictly to
avoid taxes, that’s called tax evasion. Many people get in trouble because they’re
trying to avoid taxes. Becoming rich isn’t about avoiding taxes, it is knowing how to
use tax laws in your favor. You see, tax laws are written to benefit people who want
to be rich, not for people who want to avoid taxes. If you form a corporation strictly to
avoid taxes, that would be illegal. Many people operate in grey areas when it comes
to taxes. Rather than trying to avoid something dishonestly, you should have the best
legal advice possible. I don’t want anybody getting in trouble.
The reason why people on the right side of the quadrant pay less in taxes goes back
again to my favorite subject, which is financial literacy. If you can read a financial
statement, you’ll see why the people on the left pay more taxes than people on the
right. It is seen in a very simple thing called the income statement and balance sheet
for the employee. For employees, their first line item expense is taxes. For the B
quadrant person, taxes are their last line item. In other words, employees pay taxes
first, business owners pay taxes last. A business owner will try spending everything
they possibly can and then pay their taxes on what’s left. For example, business
owners may start with $1,000 and spend $800 in expenses. They’ll only pay taxes on
$200. If an employee makes the same $1,000, they’re taxed on the $1,000.
The tax laws are written in favor of those who want to be rich, because the
government needs capitalists. They give me tax breaks because I build houses for
people and I start businesses, which create jobs. The tax laws are written in favor
of capitalism and against those who play it secure. Tax laws, tax breaks, and tax
loopholes are written for the rich and against everybody else. If you can understand
that, you can make a big change in your life.
Security vs. Freedom
My rich dad said, “When you say you want freedom, what you mean is you don’t
want to be attached to anything. That’s not to say there isn’t any fear, but that you
operate with a mindset of not needing anybody or anything to take care of you.” A
big difference between the left and right sides of the CASHFLOW Quadrant is that
employees and the self-employed need security. For the B and I side, the business
owner and the investor’s side, their need is for freedom. Personally, I’ve always chosen
In explaining the CASHFLOW Quadrant to me, my rich dad said, “If you’re happy
being an employee or self-employed and it fulfills everything you want, then stay
there.” As our economy moves further away from the Industrial Age and more into
the Information Age, many people wonder why their efforts to become rich are not
working for them. The difference could be in their core values.
In other words, if your core value is security, like an employee, it might be very difficult
to shift over to the B or the I side. If your core value as an S, or self-employed, is
independence, trusting other people could be a very difficult process. The reason I
wrote The CASHFLOW® Quadrant was for people to examine themselves, examine
their core values, and decide whether or not making those core value changes are
worth making.
Rich Dad’s 3 Step Guide to Financial Freedom
Different Quadrants Think
Differently About Assets
I started this eBook saying that most important thing is you need to know the
difference between an asset and a liability. I defined an asset as anything that puts
money in your pocket and a liability is anything that takes money out of your pocket.
That is the definition of the rich. The way those in the ‘B’ and ‘I’ side of the quadrant
define asset and liability.
How do the ‘E’ and ‘S’ side define an asset? Generally, an ‘E’ and ‘S’ consider an asset
to be anything that has a value associated with it. They consider their house an asset.
They think of their car as an asset as well as money itself.
Basically, an ‘E’ and ‘S’ define an asset the same way a bank does. This definition has
two problems:
1. It encourages buying ‘toys’ and expensive items that are justified as being
2. It costs money both in the purchase phase, but in the maintence phase,
insurance phase and more.
The assets an ‘E’ and ‘S’ tends to collect actually make them poorer. They take money
out of one’s pocket. They accomplish the exact opposite of what assets of the
successful do. Assets for the ‘B’ and ‘I’ put money in their pockets.
So when I wrote The CASHFLOW® Quadrant to help people to examine themselves
and their values, I really wanted them to understand the different ways the different
quadrants view assets. Once that distinction is made, one can see why he/she is not
making financial progress in the ‘E’ and the ‘S’ quadrants. They keep buying assets
that make them poorer. The more money they make at their job, the more false assets
they buy and the poorer they actually become.
Now, aren’t some of your core values worth revisiting?
Having It All
The path to financial freedom has never been easier. Today, we have people becoming
billionaires in less than 18 months and it’s due to the world we live in today. Anyone
desiring to become rich today first needs to have the core values and the financial
literacy to make the shift over. For me, I would say it was pretty difficult because I had
Industrial Age ideas. Making the shift was a hard process because I thought like an
old person. Today it’s never been easier if you’ll just change your thinking.
If security and comfort are your values, the transition may be difficult but it can be
done. It starts with education. For instance, on the B and the I side, I learned different
things, things that are not taught in school. One of the reasons I think the Rich Dad
message has been successful is that we’ve brought to the masses of people—in a
very simple way—the information and the education required to be a business owner
and investor.
For example, the reason most small businesses fail is because the average small
business owner was never taught how to read a financial statement, much less
understand the laws. That’s why so many of them fail. In the markets, as far as
investors go, 8 out of 10 investors don’t make money. Now, it doesn’t mean they lose
money; it means they just sort of break-even. I’ve had friends who make money one
day and, just like in Las Vegas, they give it back the next. They break even. The reason
for that is they haven’t been taught basic financial literacy, tax law, and corporate law.
Rich Dad’s 3 Step Guide to Financial Freedom
It is no longer appropriate just to be an E, S, B, or I. I think it is more important that
we, as individuals, seek knowledge, wisdom, and skills in all four quadrants, especially
when the world is changing so quickly. Below you will see three diagrams of an
income statement and a balance sheet. These represent the cash flow patterns of the
poor, the middle class, and the rich. By studying the different cash flow patterns of
the rich, the poor, and middle class, you may begin to understand what causes some
people to be rich and others to wonder why they are unable to get ahead financially.
A lot of times people say, “Well, I’d rather be rich than happy,” or “I’d rather be happy
than rich.” That idea comes from a point of view of scarcity. In other words, they think
they have to choose between being one or the other. You CAN have both. I think Yogi
Berra said it best. He said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” The whole
reason behind me creating the Rich Dad Company is to have people expand their
thinking. Why not be rich AND happy?
You have just learned about the first two parts of gaining your own financial
1. Learning the real difference between an asset and a liability. And…
2. Learning which mindset you are currently trapped in and knowing which
mindset you need to have.
Don’t forget to continue your financial education with step three:
3. Putting the first two parts into action and creating your own success. When
you are ready to take action I highly recommend you start playing
CASHFLOW® the board game and CASHFLOW the webgame (free at www. start practicing how you can free yourself from the rat race.
As I stated earlier, this eBook only helps heal the world if we share what we know. We
need real financial education before the world economy can truly recover. Ultimately, I
write because I believe it is better to teach you to fish than to give you a fish. My wish
is for you to not only start fishing, but to pick up the cause and teach others to fish as
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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Paid Internships: travel - visit Russia, study Russian in St. Petersburg Russia. For youth and students,

Paid Internships:
travel - visit Russia, study Russian in St. Petersburg Russia. For youth and
students, – are inviting students, young people or anybody who
would like the opportunity for exposure to a wide range of work and experiences
for Internship positions( from 1 week to 1 year period) in Saint Petersburg
Russia within our rapidly growing, fast-paced organization (available for all
students and youth also for those who need to intern or volunteer for their
studies, make researches etc.). Groups of any size are also welcomed.

 IVAcademy internship is the unique opportunity
for an intern to do internship online or to visit Russia, study Russian and
gain real world experience by integrating the knowledge learned in the
classroom with on the job training and experience. We organize all arrangements
for the perfect internship and full support during the program.

 IVAcademy provide all sorts of internship
placements for:

 - Sales, Marketing, Product Sourcing &
Business: Advertising, Branding, Classifieds Posting, Internet Marketing,
Market Research, Business Plans, Recruitment;

 - Websites, IT & Software: Blogging,
Programming, eCommerce, eLearning, Faceabook, Game Design, Google, HTML, Java,
Joomla, Linux, PHP, SEO, Web, Software development; Search Engine Optimization;

 -Media, Writing & Content: Articles,
copywriter, Blog, Editing, Financial Research, Forum Posting, Poetry; also
Video creation and Journalism;

 -Bloggers - promote our social campaigns throw

 -Image maker - making booklets, creating video
spots, creating thematic photos, creating promotional materials;

 -Fundraising - Writing and proof reading grant
proposals, researching and contacting sponsors;

- Project
research and creation – researching grant opportunities and creating projects
to fulfill requirements. Justifying proposals with statistical evidence as well
as forging domestic and cross-border partnerships;

 -International communication -researching and
contacting potential International partners;

Graphic Design, Media & Architecture: 3D Animation, 3D Modelling,
Animation, Banner Design, Blog Design, Brochure Design, Commercials, Concept
Design, Corporate Identity, Flash, Logo Design, Motion Graphics, Music, Photo
Editing, Photoshop, Video

- Teachers
- English, French, Italian, Korean, Spanish languages

 - Interfaith peacebuilding- visit and
cooperate with different faiths, developing spiritual life, ministry
volunteers, mind and body harmony.

 - Medical projects

 Additional program info:

provide free internships placements however interns supposed to pay onetime
100$ fee for documents processing and placements arrangements.

 -Flights tickets, local transportation,
Accommodations and meals are supported by interns or their universities.

 -Accommodations: a)1room flat rent b)hotel c)
hostel  d) free accommodations just book

 -For those interested additionally IVAcademy
during internship organize excursions for inters.

 -For those interested additionally IVAcademy
during internship organize Russian language courses for inters.

- Salary - get
% of payment made by attracted Client to our services

 Application instructions: In order to apply
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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Young Innovators for Peace - Contest- IVAcademy invites children and young people to participate in international contest in the following categories: "Best Picture" "Best Drawing" "The best video" "Best Song" "Best Business Model" "Best Invention" "Best Innovative Idea" "The best story problem solving in a hopeless situation" "Best IT project" "Best Funny Story" "Best Web Page» "Best Blog" "Best sport achievement" "The best poem" "The best essay" "Best helper for Mother" "Best helper for Father" "Best Brother" "Best Sister" Competition procedure: Reception works, Contest, the results are published on the official site, Certificates and diplomas will be sent to winners The main aims and objectives of the competition: - The development of inventive activity; - The development of creative abilities; - Providing participants’ opportunity to participate in the competition of international level; - The development of friendly relations; Works will be accepted until August 12 Competitors: - Pupils of pre-school institutions of any type; - Students of educational institutions of all types (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, universities, etc.). - Young people and students. Conditions of the competition: Each work must have a title and a short description to it a photo and a video posted on the website Entries may be made by one participant (individual work) or several participants (collective work). Copyright material retained by the contestants. Responsibility for the observance of copyrights of third parties are works of authors. Criteria for evaluation of entries: - Originality of the work; - Creativity; - Savvy; Rules for participation in the competition: To participate in the contest describe you work and contact details on the website with photo and video. The jury determines the winners of the competition, who took I, II, III place and the winner in each category of the contest. The winners are awarded with diplomas Award documents will be sent to the email address specified in the registration form of the participant of the contest. We invite sponsors and partners to join at any stage of the competition For more information, contact us at

Innovators for Peace - Contest- 
IVAcademy invites
children and young people to participate in international contest in the
following categories:
"Best Drawing"
best video"
Business Model"
Innovative Idea"
best story problem solving in a hopeless situation"
IT project"
Funny Story"
Web Page»
sport achievement"
best poem"
best essay"
"Best helper
for Mother"
"Best helper
for Father"
Community Service Project"
participate - post you work with a title and a short description to it, a photo
and video and been posted here on the website
works, Contest, the results are published on the official site, Certificates
and diplomas will be sent to winners
The main
aims and objectives of the competition:
- The
development of inventive activity;
- The
development of creative abilities;
- Providing
participants’ opportunity to participate in the competition of international level;
- The
development of friendly relations;
Works will
be accepted until August 12
- Pupils of
pre-school institutions of any type;
- Students
of educational institutions of all types (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums,
colleges, universities, etc.).
- Young
people and students.
of the competition:
Each work
must have a title and a short description to it a photo and a video posted on
the website
Entries may
be made by one participant (individual work) or several participants
(collective work).
material retained by the contestants.
for the observance of copyrights of third parties are works of authors.
for evaluation of entries:
Originality of the work;
- Savvy;
Rules for
participation in the competition:
participate in the contest describe you work and contact details on the website with photo and video.
The jury
determines the winners of the competition, who took I, II, III place and the
winner in each category of the contest.
The winners
are awarded with diplomas
documents will be sent to the email address specified in the registration form
of the participant of the contest.
We invite
sponsors and partners to join at any stage of the competition

For more information,
contact us at
Like, share, comment -contest : "Best Picture" "Best Drawing" "The best video" "Best Song" "Best Business Model" "Best Invention" "Best Innovative Idea" "The best story problem solving in a hopeless situation" "Best IT project" "Best Funny Story" "Best Web Page» "Best Blog" "Best sport achievement" "The best poem" "The best essay" "Best helper for Mother" "Best helper for Father" "Best Brother" "Best Sister" Competition procedure: Reception works, Contest, the results are published on the official site, Certificates and diplomas will be sent to winners The main aims and objectives of the competition: - The development of inventive activity; - The development of creative abilities; - Providing participants’ opportunity to participate in the competition of international level; - The development of friendly relations; Works will be accepted until August 12 Competitors: - Pupils of pre-school institutions of any type; - Students of educational institutions of all types (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, universities, etc.). - Young people and students. Conditions of the competition: Each work must have a title and a short description to it a photo and a video posted on the website Entries may be made by one participant (individual work) or several participants (collective work). Copyright material retained by the contestants. Responsibility for the observance of copyrights of third parties are works of authors. Criteria for evaluation of entries: - Originality of the work; - Creativity; - Savvy; Rules for participation in the competition: To participate in the contest describe you work and contact details on the website with photo and video. The jury determines the winners of the competition, who took I, II, III place and the winner in each category of the contest. The winners are awarded with diplomas Award documents will be sent to the email address specified in the registration form of the participant of the contest. We invite sponsors and partners to join at any stage of the competition For more information, contact us at

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Ads in internet, social networks and Google Adwords campaigns Managing and Consulting Services

Ads in internet, social networks and Google Adwords campaigns Managing and Consulting Services

Ads in internet, social networks and Google Adwords campaigns Managing and Consulting Services

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Ads in internet, social networks and Google Adwords campaigns Managing and Consulting Services
Sales price $977.00
Ads in internet, social networks and Google Adwords campaigns Managing and Consulting Services
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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Content Marketing services needed to be successful online. Get professional e-Commerce Content Marketing solutions at Tel. +7981 130 8385 With a team of experts under one roof, IVAcademy goal is to offer you all of the necessary Content Marketing services needed to be successful online. Our full-service approach allows us to ensure your overall success.Our full-service approach allows us to ensure your overall success. We've worked on hundreds of eCommerce projects and know what it takes to generate sales. Having a solid eCommerce platform

Get professional e-Commerce Content Marketing solutions at Tel. +7981 130 8385 With a team of experts under one roof, IVAcademy goal is to offer you all of the necessary Content Marketing services needed to be successful online. Our full-service approach allows us to ensure your overall success.
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When it comes to developing an eCommerce website Content Marketing you need a partner that is focused and experienced in providing companies the best in professional e-Commerce Content Marketing solutions. With a team of experts under one roof, IVAcademy goal is to offer you all of the necessary Content Marketing services needed to be successful online. Our full-service approach allows us to ensure your overall success.
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Content Marketing services needed to be successful online. Our full-service approach allows us to ensure your overall success. We've worked on hundreds of eCommerce projects and know what it takes to generate sales. Having a solid eCommerce platform

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

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 Branding and Identity for your Business, order Today!

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Sales price $977.00
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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

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Web Design : Joomla site elements search & installation

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Web Design : Template installation on existing Joomla or WordPress site, reproduce the template demo site

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Sales price $302.50
Template installation a working Joomla or WordPress site, including installation of all components, plugins, modules, to reproduce the site from demo source, site configuration for the new template, faults repair after the installation of a new template.


The service cost mentioned is a starting price.

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The service cost mentioned is a starting price.
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Web Design : Upgrade Joomla site (internet shop)

Thursday, April 21, 2016

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Responsive Design

Responsive Design

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We offer Responsive Design services for businesses, organizations and personal projects.
Sales price $777.00
DescriptionWe offer Responsive Design services for businesses, organizations and personal projects. Our Website Design Services are professional, affordable and flexible to meet - Professional Web Design Development

IVA create websites with modern designs and features for businesses and organizations that are professionally developed, optimized for the best desktop and mobile experiences, that are affordable, easy to maintain and with the flexibility to grow with your business needs.

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Most of our web design projects begin with our standard package. This package includes a design. Additional pages can be added to the package as needed. In addition you can add a variety of special options and features to your website such as blogs, online stores, rotating banners and photo galleries.

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Responsive Design services for businesses, organizations and personal projects. Our Website Design Services are professional, affordable and flexible to meet - Professional Web Design Development

10 Proven Ways To Market Your Website - IVAcademy business hub - Empower youth and students to believe, study, invent, do business, travel, create families and change the world for good since 1997

IVAcademy business hub - Empower youth and students to believe, study, invent, do business, travel, create families and change the world for good since 1997

10 Proven Ways To Market Your Website

Website TrafficSo, you’ve taken the steps to create your company website…but what do you do now?

Now you face the challenge of actually bringing in new, qualified traffic. After all, that’s how you will make more sales and increase your customer base.

Check out these 10 ways you can pull in visitors to your website:

1. Search engine optimization

SEO is the process of increasing your website’s visibility in search engine’s organic results through optimizing your pages with the keyword phrases people are likely to search for. Think about it: when you search for something in Google, do you typically go beyond the first couple pages of results? Probably not, and neither will your potential customers.

Some popular ways to improve organic search results are through editing existing content, removing barriers to indexing activities of search engines (something we’ve been doing at Ciplex for a while and see this type of marketing as one of the highest return on investments) increasing the number of backlinks or inbound links (links your website receives from other webpages — which indicates the popularity or importance of your website).

SEO can be a time-consuming process initially, but it’s an important step towards getting more traffic and grabbing a top spot in search engines for your main keyword phrases. If you haven’t already optimized your website for search engines, it might take several months to see significant results with SEO.

2. Blogging and guest blogging

Offering free, original content on your site can help bring new visitors and set you apart from the competition. However, writing for other prominent blogs in your niche, is even more beneficial in generating traffic. By including a link to your website in your biography at the end of your guest post, you can draw in new visitors from a source that likely gets much more traffic than your current blog or website.

3. Pay per click (PPC)

Use PPC Internet advertising to bring in traffic to your website from search engines like Google. Here’s how it works: you pay a fixed price for every click your ad gets in the search engine, and your ultimate goal of the click is to convert that user in order to see a return on investment. With GoogleAdWords, there’s no spending requirement — you can set a budget of as little as five dollars a day or a maximum cost of ten cents for each click, for example. Your main focus should be conversion so you get the best ROI possible. Simply choose keyword phrases and the search engine will help you get your ad in front of your target market, wherever they might be looking on the Web.

4. Retargeting

Retargeting ads work by placing a tracking cookie on each of your visitor’s computers. Then, when they leave your site, they start seeing ads to come back. Using this type of advertising helps you reach visitors who leave without conversion — which is about 98 percent of all your traffic — and makes retargeting a valuable strategy in getting those visitors to come back and convert. You’ve already worked hard to get people there, but most leave…so get them to come back to make sure you’re not throwing away that money you’ve already spent.

5. Facebook ads

Millions of people use Facebook every day (they had 483 million daily active users in December 2011) and the average U.S. Facebook user spends eighthourspermonth on the site. And it’s not only popular with teenagers and college students — all types of demographics are now regular users of the social network. Additionally, according to a study from Nielsen, people are 68 percent more likely to remember seeing an ad with social context than without. Facebook ads can help you target people from a specific location, friends of your current fans, or even folks who “like” other pages, among other options such as age and interests. Plus, it’s a cost-effective way to bring in new traffic — you can set a daily budget, pay for clicks, or pay when people see your ad. Similar to Google AdWords, you’re piggybacking off of Facebook’s traffic in order to bring those visitors to your website.

6. YouTube

Creating videos and posting them to YouTube can help your content get found on YouTube itself. From there, not only does Google index your content, but others can embed your video on their blogs and share it via social media. Although going “viral” is certainly desirable, it’s important to remember that not every video needs to get a million views to successfully drive traffic to your website. Instead, focus on a call to action that tells viewers exactly where to go (your website), how to do it (link), and why to do it (free content, contest, etc.) once they’ve finished watching.

You can also advertise on other people’s videos by buying targeted ads relevant to your business — which could yield a high conversion.

7. Email marketing

Email marketing is a great tool because most people need to be engaged multiple times before they buy. It’s been around for years, and is still one of the strongest ways to engage potential and current customers. Give people a compelling reasons to subscribe (contests, great content, insider information, etc.) and then continually send great content so they don’t unsubscribe. Encourage them to return to your website on a regular basis by showing them what they’ve missed since they last visited — perhaps it’s a new product, blog posts, whitepapers, videos, or something else.

8. Word of mouth (forums/Facebook fan pages, etc.)

When you’re looking for a new salon to get a haircut, or a great restaurant in a neighboring town, you probably turn to trusted friends, family, or online sources to discover the best rated and reviewed options. These sources are key points for driving traffic for your website, too. Focus on building connections with your fans and followers in order to gain positive reviews and word of mouth recommendations. You can also participate in related forums or comment on blog posts in order to plug your company without coming off as too promotional.

9. Social media

Similar to email marketing, social media helps you communicate with your potential customers and encourage them to buy. Again, you should provide compelling reasons to “like” your Facebook page or follow you on Twitter, but you should also share content that gets them visiting your blog or interacting with your brand on a regular basis to remind them why they stopped by your website in the first place. Social media is also a great tool for word of mouth marketing; it helps you see what people are talking about and what recommendations they provide. It’s also a great tool for customer service inquiries and real-time communication when a crisis hits.

10. PR

Building your reputation and influence is an important part of driving traffic to your company website. Through public relations strategies, you can brand yourself as an expert in your niche and build your credibility. Doing this can increase your conversion rates and build your brand awareness. For instance, by serving as a source in journalist’s articles, the outlet typically provides a linkback to your website — which is usually great traffic that converts well, all while building your reputation. Plus, when you’re mentioned on a big press outlet — a trusted source for many people — they ultimately trust you more. Press releases can also help drive traffic and generate interest in your product or service.

What results have you seen from the above tactics? Where does most of your website traffic come from?

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Success Story of Facebook Founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg

Success Story of Facebook Founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg
The Rising of Facebook
About ten months before the Zuckerberg’s FaceMash epic, one of the students of Harvard – Divya Narendra – had already spoken with the idea of creating a social network exclusively for Harvard students, many of whom were suffering from emotional stiffness. And not have ‘aliens’ engaged into the network, Narendra suggested using Harvard email address as the main username.
Divya Narendra’s partners were twins Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss. The father of the Winklevoss twins, Howard Winklevoss, is a successful financial consultant and put in his sons a lot of efforts and money – so the problem with the initial capital for the future network could be solved easily.
In conversation with Mark, Narendra said that the project would be called Harvard Connection (later renamed to ConnectU), and its members would post on the Internet their photos, personal information, and useful links. The tasks of Mark Zuckerberg included programming of the site and creating a special source code, which would allow the system to work as quickly as possible.
After a private meeting with Narendra and the Winklevoss twins, Zuckerberg agreed to join in the work, but the potential of his new partners he estimated skeptically. While working on Harvard Connection, he got a fantastic idea for his own social network.
On February 04, 2004, he registered the domain name, now known throughout the world as However, it functioned only within Harvard.
After Zuckerberg and his partner Eduardo Saverin realized that there were already 4,000 users registered on Facebook, they came to the conclusion that they needed services of new programmers. One of them was a Mark’s neighbor, Darren Moskowitz, who further opened the Facebook service to students at Columbia University, Stanford, and Yale.
Around the same time after the IPO, Zuckerberg owned 503.6 million shares. And now Zuckerberg controls nearly 60% of the company’s votes, 35% – Eduardo Saverin, and 5% went to the newcomer Moskowitz. Another friend of Mark, Chris Hughes, was assigned as the Press Attache of Facebook.
Some time later, the registration was opened to all students. The main condition was the availability of an email address in .edu zone, which also indicated a person’s belonging to the education sector.
It must be said that at first this tactic worked out nicely. The project attracted audience attention of sufficient quality. When a user was trying to sign up he had to fill out a detailed profile, and in addition to the email address in .edu zone it was requested to add a real profile picture. If people used avatars instead of real pictures their profiles were deleted.
Soon, Facebook went beyond the education sector, becoming more and more popular. Mark Zuckerberg started looking for investors. The first investments Mark received from one of the founders of PayPal, Peter Thiel, who is well known throughout Silicon Valley. Peter Thiel allocated $500,000, and that amount was sufficient for immediate Facebook purposes. The project began to evolve rapidly. In less than a year after it was founded more than 1 million people joined the social network. For further development of Facebook, they needed more investments. Accel Partners invested in Facebook $12.7 million and then Greylock Partners added to this amount $27.5 million.
By 2005, Facebook became accessible for all educational institutions and universities in the USA. Zuckerberg still believed that his project is a social network for students, but the interest of users to Facebook grew exponentially. Then it was decided to make a registration accessible to the public. And after this, a Facebook ‘epidemic’ started.
The main thing that immediately attracted users in Facebook is that friends who meet in real life now could communicate with each other online. It was something new.
The Facebook audience grew rapidly, but the monetization of the project still remained unclear. Everyone expected that the main instrument should be context advertising. The fact is that every Facebook user fills sufficiently detailed profile, which can be used to show relevant advertisements. Obviously, that would open up enough options to advertisers, who may be of interest to their audience. But Facebook continued to grow its audience. When they got over 50 million users, large companies began to offer Zuckerberg to sell them the project. So, one time even Yahoo! offered $900 million dollars for Facebook. Impressive sum, but it absolutely did not satisfy Mark. Facebook biography and Mark Zuckerberg success story is quite intriguing, isn’t it?
The Facebook project launch was accompanied by series of scandals. Six days later after launching the site, senior students brothers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and Divya Narendra accused Mark Zuckerberg of stealing their idea. They claimed that in 2003 hired Zuckerberg to make him complete the establishment of the social network According to their testimonies, Zuckerberg did not provide them the results of his work but used the original source code to create Facebook.
In the same year, Narendra and the Winklevoss twins launched their own network renamed to ConnectU. And they continued to attack on Mark Zuckerberg, complaining Harvard administration and The Harvard Crimson newspaper. Initially, Zuckerberg urged journalists not to publish the investigation: he showed them what supposedly he did for HarvardConnection, and explained that those developments did not have any relation to Facebook. But very inappropriately, another Harvard student – John Thomson – in personal conversations started saying that Zuckerberg stole one of his ideas for Facebook. The newspaper decided to publish the article, and it offended Mark Zuckerberg very much.
Newspaper clip from The Harvard Crimson article published on May 28, 2004
Zuckerberg took revenge on The Harvard Crimson. According to Silicon Alley Insider, in 2004, he breaks the mailboxes of two journalists from The Harvard Crimson, using the newly launched Facebook. He found users who were involved in the newspaper and browsed their logs (i.e. history) of incorrectly entered passwords in Facebook. Zuckerberg’s expectations were met: two employees of the newspaper absentmindedly tried to login Facebook with passwords from their mailboxes. Silicon Alley Insider wrote that Zuckerberg got lucky: he had a chance to read the correspondence about him between the editorial office and HarvardConnection.
The Winklevoss twins and Narendra filed a lawsuit against Mark Zuckerberg, but the court rejected their claim. They were persistent and filed another lawsuit. This time, the court examined the code sources to understand whether they were actually stolen. But the truth was still not clear. The examination results were not announced. In 2009, Zuckerberg agreed to pay $45 million ($20 million in cash, and the remaining amount in Facebook shares) ConnectU as part of the court settlement. The case was closed. By that time ConnectU had less than 100,000 users, Facebook boasted about 150 million users.
The Winklevoss twins yet did not calm down and filed a petition in the U.S. Court of Appeals, but they were denied a retrial. According to their lawyer Jerome Falk, the appellate court refused to take a review of the case based only on the parties’ settlement agreement, which states that members of the trial after the signing of the document does not have the right to resume the trial. In counsel’s view, the decision was illegal, as Mark Zuckerberg in a proceeding in 2008 provided false information about the company’s value.
On May 17, 2011, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss filed another lawsuit against the owner of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg to the U.S. Supreme Court. That was the latest attempt by the brothers to make the court reconsider the case.
Bill Gates’ Facebook Page
In 2007, a significant event happened to Facebook. Microsoft acquired 1.6% equity stake in Facebook for an impressive amount of $240 million dollars. On this basis, a number of analysts suggested that the total value of Facebook reached $15 billion. Quite good results for the company, whose income did not exceed $200 million a year. After the deal, Bill Gates created an account in Facebook. He used to spend several hours a day to communicate through Facebook with everyone, but after a time decided to close his account for some time, because there were too many people willing to chat with him. Physically, he was not able to chat with all of them. However, Gates provided a major PR campaign for Facebook worldwide. This is particularly important for Microsoft, given that it had an exclusive advertising agreement with the social network until 2011.
How Facebook Makes Money
In 2013, the turnover of Facebook, Inc. reached $7.87 billion and net income – $1.5 billion. The growth rates are also impressive: three years turnover has increased six-fold.
The basic earnings of Facebook come from contextual ads on the pages of the social network. Growing number of users and the time they spend on the site is converted into advertising revenues. 85% percent of cash-flow that went through the company last year was earned through contextual advertising.
The most of the rest 15% are deductions from purchases made through the Facebook payment system. These are mostly not real, but virtual goods. For example seeds, fruits and vegetables, purchased by fans of the popular game Farmville developed by Zynga.
Despite the apparent frivolity, virtual goods is a serious business, and the Facebook report confirms that. The company estimated that in 2010 the global market turnover for virtual goods reached $7 billion, and by 2014, it rose to $15 billion.
At the beginning of January 2013, Facebook Inc. started testing the service of paid private messaging. Facebook charges $1.00 for a private message that you can send to the users who are not in your friend list. And the message goes directly to their Inbox folder, instead of Other one. But Facebook went further and realized that some users are worth more than a $1. If you want to send a message to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and get into his inbox, you might have to pay $100 for this exclusive option. This is another very simple way to generate additional revenue.
Acquisition of Instagram, Oculus Rift, and WhatsApp
Mark Zuckerberg is a great strategist, and he keeps acquiring companies that continue their operation as independent entities under Facebook’s umbrella.
In April 2012, acquired mobile photo sharing app Instagram for $1 billion in cash and stock. Initially, it was an iOS application developed by Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom. Now the Instagram application is available on Android OS as well.
In March 2014, Facebook closed the acquisition of Oculus Rift for $2 billion. Oculus Rift is a virtual reality hardware engineered by Oculus VR Company headed by Palmer Freeman Luckey. Facebook paid $400 million in cash plus 23.1m Facebook shares, with a further $300 million in incentives if it hits certain milestones in the future.
In October 2014, Mark Zuckerberg completed the purchase of WhatsApp for $22 billion. Facebook paid $4.59 billion in cash and 177,760,669 shares in the company. WhatsApp is an instant messaging application founded by Jan Koum and Brian Acton in 2009.
Mark Zuckerberg: TIME’s 2010 Person of the Year
In January 2010, TIME magazine named Facebook founder, CEO and 26-year old billionaire Mark Zuckerberg the Person of the Year 2010.
Lady Gaga, James Cameron and founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, were struggling for this title that year. However, TIME magazine chose his hero. ‘The social network created by Mark connected almost every tenth person on the planet’, – Richard Stengel, TIME editor-in-chief explained their choice. According to him, ‘Today, Facebook is the third largest country in the world that knows about its citizens as much as no government on planet does.’
Mark Zuckerberg named TIMES’s person of the year 2010
According to TIME, in the past year, no one else had such great impact on the world than the current winner. Mark’s popularity is so high that in 2010 David Fincher shot a movie ‘The Social Network’ in which the main role of the Facebook founder was brilliantly played by Jesse Eisenberg. Previously, TIME’s ‘persons of the year’ became the United States presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
In 2010, Forbes magazine admitted Mark Zuckerberg as the youngest billionaire in its list to the state of $4 billion.
In the rating of the 400 richest people in the United States, published by Forbes magazine in 2015, Zuckerberg took 7th place with a net worth of $40.3 billion.
Mark Zuckerberg’s Lifestyle
Currently, Zuckerberg lives in the Palo Alto in a $7 million estate that features 5 bedrooms a saltwater pool, and over 5,000 square feet of property.
On May 19, 2012, Mark Zuckerberg married his longtime girlfriend Priscilla Chan in Palo Alto, California and finally they happily live together.
On December 01, 2015, Mark Zuckerberg and Dr. Priscilla Chan announced the birth of their daughter, Maxima Chan Zuckerberg, and wrote a letter to her with the supportive words and mentoring notes. “Max, we love you and feel a great responsibility to leave the world a better place for you and all children,” Zuckerberg and Chan wrote in the letter to their daughter.
The young couple also pledged to donate 99% of their Facebook shares – worth about $45 billion – through the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative within their lifetime to promote human potential, equality, and the world development. | Success Story of Facebook Founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg