Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Looking for leaders, city mayors, presidents, and any People of goodwill, who hear Internal Call to join global initiative and open “Peace building Interfaith Harmony Temple of God’s presence and help” locally. Join - Peace building Interfaith Harmony Temple of God’s presence and help- initiative at your place!!! This local center will be of great benefit for you, your family, and your city and to the whole world from all points of view: spiritual, economic, touristic, peacemaking, etc. and solve modern world’s major problem of spiritual crisis just see the power of #MiraclesPrayers Testimonies globally.

Looking for leaders, city mayors, presidents, and any People of goodwill, who hear Internal Call to join global initiative and open “Peace building Interfaith Harmony Temple of God’s presence and help” locally.

Join - Peace building Interfaith Harmony Temple of God’s presence and help- initiative at your place!!! 

This local center will be of great benefit for you, your family, and your city and to the whole world from all points of view: spiritual, economic, touristic, peacemaking, etc. and solve modern world’s major problem of spiritual crisis just see the power of #MiraclesPrayers Testimonies globally.

As is said “We have reached the limit of what human strength alone can do. People must know what kind of being the owner of the universe, God, our creator, is. Only through [knowing] that can all problems be solved.”

New international initiative by #PraywithNick with a goal to open 1.2 million local centers is looking for Partners Globally from all fields of life: Business, Government, Nonprofits, Churches, Sports, Culture, Science, Health, Arts, etc. organizations, also individuals: governors, mayors, local leaders, police, military personnel, as well as local residents, volunteers and community centers are more than welcome to partner. Join and #PrayWithNick Today for: – Healing Oceans and all Environment globally by 2020 ( #LatestHotNewsHeadlines Scientists Warn That World’s Wilderness Areas Are Disappearing...The New York Times)<br />- All countries to stop weapons production and distribution and begin to invest in peace and in the well-being of humanity by 2020 <br />- by 2020 humankind to finish all wars and sanctions globally forever <br />-people that suffered ( #LatestHotNewsHeadlines <br />- Ultimate World Peace by 2020 <br />- World economy that benefits all nations to be set up globally by 2020<br />– Reform health care systems for good globally by 2020 <br />- World summit in South Africa and True Mother speaking tour in Africa November 2018 <br />- True children<br />- All families globally to receive God's Marriage Blessing by 2020<br />- Peace Road to be built by 2020 Globally <br />- South and North Korea peaceful reunification by 2020<br />-all religions by 2020 to start to work together in unity to illuminate humankind about God and His tireless work behind the history <br />- Our Heavenly Parent and ancestors in spiritual world <br />-science and religion unity by 2020 as is written in visionary book "The world of 2020" and "World on the Way to Perfection" predictions book By Nicolae Cirpala <br />- IVAcademy <br />- Personal prayer requests please pray for : 1. pray for Vanessa Mason health and recover after open heart surgery<br />2.Daniil Kyrpale to start speaking, he is Autistic child and at his 6 years don`t speak yet. Pray for him to start speaking by 30 November 2018<br />Thank you very much.<br />Aju - Amen <br /><br />PLEASE Donate to support our miracles prayers group. To donate just purchase and #downloadeBook from our store ( for a bigger donation just Order more eBooks) #ThankyouForDonation<br /><br />- join Global Peace building initiative! I invite you, your family and friends to join our daily Global Prayer online Chain, visionary, meditation and devotions meetings where any human being could join and pray at 21:00 (your local time) IVAcademy 24/7 prayer church (otherwise feel free to join our every hour vigil any time during the day) Together we could change the world and build Heavenly Kingdom CIG in every part of the world much faster even by 2020 by praying, witnessing about God our Heavenly parent, messiah and share His marriage Blessing to all humankind. Please post you prayer requests daily to be included in prayer list by 21.00 on Prayer Wall: or message us any time! Many prayer wishes already where miraculously fulfilled globally and thousands of couples Get Marriage Blessing! #HappyMarriageBlessedByGod <br /><br />- Dear brothers and sisters globally Please receive God's Marriage Blessing, if you miss it JUST CONTACT me to arrange it!!! #bless430<br /><br />- Join global initiative - Godology Book - new interreligious manual for schools @ God’s Global Trends book Share you live experience with God in social networks with a hash tag #GodGlobalTrend<br /><br />Power of #MiraclesPrayers Testimony # 4: “Trevor said that for the first time in many months he woke up without a throbbing headache and all the other symptoms of Malaria. And said he was very grateful for all the prayers and support through our efforts. God is really healing People because of our prayers.” Thank you very much.<br />Share in all social networks with hashTag #PraywithNick

Initiative by Nicolae Cirpala author of BestSeller - God's Global Trends - Book and That’s How the Kingdom of Heaven Was Built Book

Please join Global initiative to open a local center by sending us filed form: Name:____________ Phone number ___________, E-mail address_______, other contact (Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook messenger)________ Date and place you plan to open an local center _____ comments ___________________(filed forms please send to

For assistance feel free to contact us at

PLEASE Donate to support our miracles group. To donate just purchase and #downloadeBook from our store ( for a bigger donation just Order more eBooks) #ThankyouForDonation

- join Global Peace building initiative! I invite you, your family and friends to join our daily Global Prayer online Chain, visionary, meditation and devotions meetings where any human being could join and pray at 21:00 (your local time) IVAcademy 24/7 prayer church (otherwise feel free to join our every hour vigil any time during the day) Together we could change the world and build Heavenly Kingdom CIG in every part of the world much faster even by 2020 by praying, witnessing about God our Heavenly parent, messiah and share His marriage Blessing to all humankind. Please post you prayer requests daily to be included in prayer list by 21.00 on Prayer Wall: or message us any time! Many prayer wishes already where miraculously fulfilled globally and thousands of couples Get Marriage Blessing! #HappyMarriageBlessedByGod

- Dear brothers and sisters globally Please receive God's Marriage Blessing, if you miss it JUST CONTACT me to arrange it!!! #bless430

- Join global initiative - Godology Book - new interreligious manual for schools @ God’s Global Trends book Share you live experience with God in social networks with a hash tag #GodGlobalTrend

Power of #MiraclesPrayers Testimony # 4: “Trevor said that for the first time in many months he woke up without a throbbing headache and all the other symptoms of Malaria. And said he was very grateful for all the prayers and support through our efforts. God is really healing People because of our prayers.” Thank you very much.

Join as at causes…

Share in all social networks with hashTag #PraywithNick
 Looking for leaders, city mayors, presidents, and any People of goodwill,...

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Отношения, Совместимость, любовь , латаю Браки, развод - дам Совет Поддержу Онлайн Консультации для Счастья - Консультации Бизнес, Отношения Жизненные вопросы - Онлайн | Консультационный центр

Привет я Николай ваш собеседник выслушаю поддержу помогу советом в принятии решения. Помощь в решении жизненных проблем – консультация :)

Можно писать или сразу Звоните, все обсудим!

WhatsApp, Viber, Т: +79811308385

или онлайн чат -Скайп/Вайбер/Телеграм/Ватсап Online Help in solving Life's problems

Проконсультирую Вас по любым вопросам, готов оказать вам онлайн поддержку, найти оптимальный вариант решения проблемы и просто выслушать вас. Отвечу на все интересующие вопросы.

Чем могу помочь?

Эксклюзивная методика онлайн консультация - бизнес, отношения, жизненные вопросы:

  • Советы для Жизни, Советы для пар, Советы для Бизнеса.
  • Ответы на главные вопросы Жизни.
  • Консультации по жизненным вопросам.
  • Как наладить Отношения.
  • Семейная консультация консультации для мам и пап.
Как заказать:

  1. Оплатить услугу
  2. Приготовить Вопрос или Тему для обсуждения (Опишите свою проблему, ваши чувства, изменчивость вашего поведения и настроения. Что говорят о вас ваши родственники и друзья до того, как вы поняли, что у вас проблема и после итд. )
  3. Согласовать время проведения. ( прислать логин скайп или месенджера)
  4. Проверить компьютер или телефон для консультации, микрофон, наушники
  5. Получить советы
консультация по Скайп/Вайбер/Телеграм/Ватсап

Всегда готов выслушать, поддержать, помолчать вместе!

Можешь поделиться проблемой, тайной, рассказать о своих радостях и горестях, я выслушаю, возможно мы найдём решение…(жизненные ситуации, бытовые ситуации, отношения, бизнес ситуации и пр).

Наше общение будет легким, «по душам».

Встречи онлайн в любой момент, возможно и реальная встреча обговаривается отдельно.

Переписка в любой чатВатсап итд 500р./ 30мин

Телефонный или онлайн разговор 500р./20 мин

Личная встреча 3000р./час. (возможны только после переписки.)

Звонки и встречи в период 10:00-16:00, после указанного времени двойной тариф.

Больше встреч - скидки, Предоплата 100% на Яндекс кошелек или карту.

Темы интимного, криминального характера не поддерживаю!

Но с удовольствием потрачу своё время на досуг с тобой, мой новый друг!

Не исключено, что моё общество поможет отвлечься от неудачных отношений, разобраться в трудной ситуации или просто может быть ты хочешь поделиться со мной своими идеями?

Проговаривая свои мысли, вы обретаете возможность освободиться от эмоционального напряжения, более трезво взглянуть на ситуацию и как минимум прояснить ее для себя.

Внимательно и доброжелательно выслушаю вас, вы можете рассказать мне обо всем, что вас волнует, предоставляю возможность поделиться самым сокровенным, не боясь осуждения, гарантирую вам полную конфиденциальность и анонимность.

Могу поддержать практически любую беседу, если что-то необычное\наукоемкое - лучше предупредить заранее, я подготовлюсь.

Немного обо мне - мне 44года, женат довольно давно, в своей жизни пережил много всего - и хорошего и плохого, писатель, знаю несколько языков, консультирую людей  из 30 стран поэтому большую часть жизненных ситуаций могу оценить не просто "со своей колокольни", а с учетом своего реального опыта.

Source: Помощь в решении жизненных проблем - консультация по Скайп/Вайбер/Телеграм/Ватсап Онлайн Консультации для Счастья - Консультации Бизнес, Отношения Жизненные вопросы - Онлайн | Консультационный центр: Консультации Бизнес, Отношения Жизненные вопросы - Онлайн | Консультационный центр

Friday, November 2, 2018

Join and #PrayWithNick Today for: – Healing Oceans and all Environment globally by 2020 ( #LatestHotNewsHeadlinesScientists Warn That World’s Wilderness Areas Are Disappearing...The New York Times) - All countries to stop weapons production and distribution and begin to invest in peace and in the well-being of humanity by 2020 - by 2020 humankind to finish all wars and sanctions globally forever -people that suffered

Join and #PrayWithNick Today for: – Healing Oceans and all Environment globally by 2020 ( #LatestHotNewsHeadlinesScientists Warn That World’s Wilderness Areas Are Disappearing...The New York Times)
- All countries to stop weapons production and distribution and begin to invest in peace and in the well-being of humanity by 2020 
- by 2020 humankind to finish all wars and sanctions globally forever 
-people that suffered ( #LatestHotNewsHeadlines 
- Ultimate World Peace by 2020 
- World economy that benefits all nations to be set up globally by 2020
– Reform health care systems for good globally by 2020 
- World summit in South Africa and True Mother speaking tour in Africa November 2018 
- True children
- All families globally to receive God's Marriage Blessing by 2020
- Peace Road to be built by 2020 Globally 
- South and North Korea peaceful reunification by 2020
-all religions by 2020 to start to work together in unity to illuminate humankind about God and His tireless work behind the history 
- Our Heavenly Parent and ancestors in spiritual world 
-science and religion unity by 2020 as is written in visionary book "The world of 2020" and "World on the Way to Perfection" predictions book By Nicolae Cirpala 
- IVAcademy 
- Personal prayer requests please pray for : 1. pray for Vanessa Mason health and recover after open heart surgery
2.Daniil Kyrpale to start speaking, he is Autistic child and at his 6 years don`t speak yet. Pray for him to start speaking by 30 November 2018
Thank you very much.
Aju - Amen 

PLEASE Donate to support our miracles prayers group. To donate just purchase and #downloadeBook from our store ( for a bigger donation just Order more eBooks) #ThankyouForDonation

- join Global Peace building initiative! I invite you, your family and friends to join our daily Global Prayer online Chain, visionary, meditation and devotions meetings where any human being could join and pray at 21:00 (your local time) IVAcademy 24/7 prayer church (otherwise feel free to join our every hour vigil any time during the day) Together we could change the world and build Heavenly Kingdom CIG in every part of the world much faster even by 2020 by praying, witnessing about God our Heavenly parent, messiah and share His marriage Blessing to all humankind. Please post you prayer requests daily to be included in prayer list by 21.00 on Prayer Wall: or message us any time! Many prayer wishes already where miraculously fulfilled globally and thousands of couples Get Marriage Blessing! #HappyMarriageBlessedByGod 

- Dear brothers and sisters globally Please receive God's Marriage Blessing, if you miss it JUST CONTACT me to arrange it!!! #bless430

- Join global initiative - Godology Book - new interreligious manual for schools @ God’s Global Trends book Share you live experience with God in social networks with a hash tag #GodGlobalTrend

Power of #MiraclesPrayers Testimony # 4: “Trevor said that for the first time in many months he woke up without a throbbing headache and all the other symptoms of Malaria. And said he was very grateful for all the prayers and support through our efforts. God is really healing People because of our prayers.” Thank you very much.
Share in all social networks with hashTag #PraywithNick
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Join and #PrayWithNick Today for: – Healing Oceans and all Environment globally by 2020 ( #LatestHotNewsHeadlines Scientists Warn That World’s Wilderness Areas Are Disappearing...The New York Times)<br />- All countries to stop weapons production and distribution and begin to invest in peace and in the well-being of humanity by 2020 <br />- by 2020 humankind to finish all wars and sanctions globally forever <br />-people that suffered ( #LatestHotNewsHeadlines <br />- Ultimate World Peace by 2020 <br />- World economy that benefits all nations to be set up globally by 2020<br />– Reform health care systems for good globally by 2020 <br />- World summit in South Africa and True Mother speaking tour in Africa November 2018 <br />- True children<br />- All families globally to receive God's Marriage Blessing by 2020<br />- Peace Road to be built by 2020 Globally <br />- South and North Korea peaceful reunification by 2020<br />-all religions by 2020 to start to work together in unity to illuminate humankind about God and His tireless work behind the history <br />- Our Heavenly Parent and ancestors in spiritual world <br />-science and religion unity by 2020 as is written in visionary book "The world of 2020" and "World on the Way to Perfection" predictions book By Nicolae Cirpala <br />- IVAcademy <br />- Personal prayer requests please pray for : 1. pray for Vanessa Mason health and recover after open heart surgery<br />2.Daniil Kyrpale to start speaking, he is Autistic child and at his 6 years don`t speak yet. Pray for him to start speaking by 30 November 2018<br />Thank you very much.<br />Aju - Amen <br /><br />PLEASE Donate to support our miracles prayers group. To donate just purchase and #downloadeBook from our store ( for a bigger donation just Order more eBooks) #ThankyouForDonation<br /><br />- join Global Peace building initiative! I invite you, your family and friends to join our daily Global Prayer online Chain, visionary, meditation and devotions meetings where any human being could join and pray at 21:00 (your local time) IVAcademy 24/7 prayer church (otherwise feel free to join our every hour vigil any time during the day) Together we could change the world and build Heavenly Kingdom CIG in every part of the world much faster even by 2020 by praying, witnessing about God our Heavenly parent, messiah and share His marriage Blessing to all humankind. Please post you prayer requests daily to be included in prayer list by 21.00 on Prayer Wall: or message us any time! Many prayer wishes already where miraculously fulfilled globally and thousands of couples Get Marriage Blessing! #HappyMarriageBlessedByGod <br /><br />- Dear brothers and sisters globally Please receive God's Marriage Blessing, if you miss it JUST CONTACT me to arrange it!!! #bless430<br /><br />- Join global initiative - Godology Book - new interreligious manual for schools @ God’s Global Trends book Share you live experience with God in social networks with a hash tag #GodGlobalTrend<br /><br />Power of #MiraclesPrayers Testimony # 4: “Trevor said that for the first time in many months he woke up without a throbbing headache and all the other symptoms of Malaria. And said he was very grateful for all the prayers and support through our efforts. God is really healing People because of our prayers.” Thank you very much.<br />Share in all social networks with hashTag #PraywithNick