Friday, October 16, 2020

Отзывы рекомендации - Семейный Коуч +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон, Ватсап -...

Отзывы рекомендации - Семейный Коуч +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон, Ватсап - выслушаю, поддержу, помогу советом в принятии решения - любую проблему можно решить, цель достичь и мечту осуществить!!! Звоните! Сайт
Эксклюзивная методика - скорая онлайн помощь быстрого реагирования в вашем Телефоне, Планшете, Компьютере. Закажите сейчас индивидуальную консультацию - звоните +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон, Ватсап, Вайбер, Мессенджер, Вк, ОК, Телеграм, - все обсудим, мы найдём решение…(проблемы в паре, жизненные ситуации, бытовые ситуации, отношения, бизнес ситуации и пр).
Пора заняться личной жизнью! Постоянно совершенствуйтесь для Счастья!
Чем ещё могу помочь? • Советы для Жизни, Советы для пар, Советы для Бизнеса. • Ответы на главные вопросы жизни. • Консультации по жизненным вопросам. • Как наладить Отношения.
• Семейная консультация - консультации для супругов итд.
Встречи онлайн в любой момент, возможно и реальная встреча, обговаривается отдельно.
Немного обо мне - я писатель в стиле Льва Толстого (читатели говорят) - автор бестселлера книги (Перепишите свою судьбу ) имею 22х летний опыт консультации людей из 16 стран.
Отзывы поиск в интернете Кырпалэ Николай.
Услуги: Телефонный или онлайн разговор в мессенджерах 100р./ 1мин
Переписка в любой чат Ватсап итд 120р/1мин
Личная встреча (возможны только после переписки.)
Как заказать: -Оплатить услугу - предоплата на номер телефона, яндекс кошелек, PayPal, или карту.
-Приготовить Вопрос или Тему для обсуждения (Опишите свою проблему, ваши чувства, изменчивость вашего поведения и настроения. Что говорят о вас ваши родственники и друзья до того, как вы поняли, что у вас проблема и после итд. )
-Согласовать время проведения. ( написать в Ватсап, прислать логин скайп или месенджера)
-Проверить компьютер или телефон для консультации, микрофон, наушники, -Получить советы.
Бонус-Спешите только в этом сезоне - Бесплатный Бонус для всех супружеских пар - Участие в событии освежающее Отношения - Фестиваль Счастливых Семей.
Сохраните мой телефон и сайт в закладках если не сейчас, то когда-нибудь обязательно пригодится вам или вашим знакомым.
☛ делимся счастьем ☀ присоединяйтесь к Марафону миллион+ счастливых подписчиков Клуба Счастливых Семей на сайте и поделитесь марафоном с 4+ вашими друзьями, для сотрудничества, стать добровольцем и сделать пожертвование ✿ Чтобы пожертвовать, просто скачайте Книги для жизни из моего магазина комментируйте мои обсуждения в фб вк ок инстаграм и в ютубе, подпишитесь и для Помощи ✆ Звоните где бы вы не находились
Ваш писатель - коуч Николай Кырпалэ - Помогаю людям переписывать мысли в Счастливую жизнь по телефону +7 981 130 83 85 Ватсапп, звоните сейчас!
Отзывы рекомендации - Семейный Коуч +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон, Ватсап - выслушаю, поддержу, помогу советом в принятии решения - любую проблему можно решить, цель достичь и мечту осуществить!!! Звоните! Сайт<br />Эксклюзивная методика - скорая онлайн помощь быстрого реагирования в вашем Телефоне, Планшете, Компьютере. Закажите сейчас индивидуальную консультацию - звоните +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон, Ватсап, Вайбер, Мессенджер, Вк, ОК, Телеграм, - все обсудим, мы найдём решение…(проблемы в паре, жизненные ситуации, бытовые ситуации, отношения, бизнес ситуации и пр).<br />Пора заняться личной жизнью! Постоянно совершенствуйтесь для Счастья!<br />Чем ещё могу помочь? • Советы для Жизни, Советы для пар, Советы для Бизнеса. • Ответы на главные вопросы жизни. • Консультации по жизненным вопросам. • Как наладить Отношения.<br />• Семейная консультация - консультации для супругов итд.<br />Встречи онлайн в любой момент, возможно и реальная встреча, обговаривается отдельно.<br />Немного обо мне - я писатель в стиле Льва Толстого (читатели говорят) - автор бестселлера книги (Перепишите свою судьбу ) имею 22х летний опыт консультации людей из 16 стран.<br />Отзывы поиск в интернете Кырпалэ Николай.<br />Услуги: Телефонный или онлайн разговор в мессенджерах 100р./ 1мин<br />Переписка в любой чат Ватсап итд 120р/1мин<br />Личная встреча (возможны только после переписки.)<br />Как заказать: -Оплатить услугу - предоплата на номер телефона, яндекс кошелек, PayPal, или карту.<br />-Приготовить Вопрос или Тему для обсуждения (Опишите свою проблему, ваши чувства, изменчивость вашего поведения и настроения. Что говорят о вас ваши родственники и друзья до того, как вы поняли, что у вас проблема и после итд. )<br />-Согласовать время проведения. ( написать в Ватсап, прислать логин скайп или месенджера)<br />-Проверить компьютер или телефон для консультации, микрофон, наушники, -Получить советы.<br />Бонус-Спешите только в этом сезоне - Бесплатный Бонус для всех супружеских пар - Участие в событии освежающее Отношения - Фестиваль Счастливых Семей.<br />Сохраните мой телефон и сайт в закладках если не сейчас, то когда-нибудь обязательно пригодится вам или вашим знакомым.<br />☛ делимся счастьем ☀ присоединяйтесь к Марафону миллион+ счастливых подписчиков Клуба Счастливых Семей на сайте и поделитесь марафоном с 4+ вашими друзьями, для сотрудничества, стать добровольцем и сделать пожертвование ✿ Чтобы пожертвовать, просто скачайте Книги для жизни из моего магазина комментируйте мои обсуждения в фб вк ок инстаграм и в ютубе, подпишитесь и для Помощи ✆ Звоните где бы вы не находились<br />Ваш писатель - коуч Николай Кырпалэ - Помогаю людям переписывать мысли в Счастливую жизнь по телефону +7 981 130 83 85 Ватсапп, звоните сейчас!
Отзывы рекомендации - Семейный Коуч +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон, Ватсап 

Отзывы рекомендации - Семейный Коуч +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон, Ватсап -...

Отзывы рекомендации - Семейный Коуч +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон, Ватсап - выслушаю, поддержу, помогу советом в принятии решения - любую проблему можно решить, цель достичь и мечту осуществить!!! Звоните! Сайт
Эксклюзивная методика - скорая онлайн помощь быстрого реагирования в вашем Телефоне, Планшете, Компьютере. Закажите сейчас индивидуальную консультацию - звоните +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон, Ватсап, Вайбер, Мессенджер, Вк, ОК, Телеграм, - все обсудим, мы найдём решение…(проблемы в паре, жизненные ситуации, бытовые ситуации, отношения, бизнес ситуации и пр).
Пора заняться личной жизнью! Постоянно совершенствуйтесь для Счастья!
Чем ещё могу помочь? • Советы для Жизни, Советы для пар, Советы для Бизнеса. • Ответы на главные вопросы жизни. • Консультации по жизненным вопросам. • Как наладить Отношения.
• Семейная консультация - консультации для супругов итд.
Встречи онлайн в любой момент, возможно и реальная встреча, обговаривается отдельно.
Немного обо мне - я писатель в стиле Льва Толстого (читатели говорят) - автор бестселлера книги (Перепишите свою судьбу ) имею 22х летний опыт консультации людей из 16 стран.
Отзывы поиск в интернете Кырпалэ Николай.
Услуги: Телефонный или онлайн разговор в мессенджерах 100р./ 1мин
Переписка в любой чат Ватсап итд 120р/1мин
Личная встреча (возможны только после переписки.)
Как заказать: -Оплатить услугу - предоплата на номер телефона, яндекс кошелек, PayPal, или карту.
-Приготовить Вопрос или Тему для обсуждения (Опишите свою проблему, ваши чувства, изменчивость вашего поведения и настроения. Что говорят о вас ваши родственники и друзья до того, как вы поняли, что у вас проблема и после итд. )
-Согласовать время проведения. ( написать в Ватсап, прислать логин скайп или месенджера)
-Проверить компьютер или телефон для консультации, микрофон, наушники, -Получить советы.
Бонус-Спешите только в этом сезоне - Бесплатный Бонус для всех супружеских пар - Участие в событии освежающее Отношения - Фестиваль Счастливых Семей.
Сохраните мой телефон и сайт в закладках если не сейчас, то когда-нибудь обязательно пригодится вам или вашим знакомым.
☛ делимся счастьем ☀ присоединяйтесь к Марафону миллион+ счастливых подписчиков Клуба Счастливых Семей на сайте и поделитесь марафоном с 4+ вашими друзьями, для сотрудничества, стать добровольцем и сделать пожертвование ✿ Чтобы пожертвовать, просто скачайте Книги для жизни из моего магазина комментируйте мои обсуждения в фб вк ок инстаграм и в ютубе, подпишитесь и для Помощи ✆ Звоните где бы вы не находились
Ваш писатель - коуч Николай Кырпалэ - Помогаю людям переписывать мысли в Счастливую жизнь по телефону +7 981 130 83 85 Ватсапп, звоните сейчас!

Отзывы рекомендации - Семейный Коуч +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон, Ватсап - выслушаю, поддержу, помогу советом в принятии решения - любую проблему можно решить, цель достичь и мечту осуществить!!! Звоните! Сайт<br />Эксклюзивная методика - скорая онлайн помощь быстрого реагирования в вашем Телефоне, Планшете, Компьютере. Закажите сейчас индивидуальную консультацию - звоните +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон, Ватсап, Вайбер, Мессенджер, Вк, ОК, Телеграм, - все обсудим, мы найдём решение…(проблемы в паре, жизненные ситуации, бытовые ситуации, отношения, бизнес ситуации и пр).<br />Пора заняться личной жизнью! Постоянно совершенствуйтесь для Счастья!<br />Чем ещё могу помочь? • Советы для Жизни, Советы для пар, Советы для Бизнеса. • Ответы на главные вопросы жизни. • Консультации по жизненным вопросам. • Как наладить Отношения.<br />• Семейная консультация - консультации для супругов итд.<br />Встречи онлайн в любой момент, возможно и реальная встреча, обговаривается отдельно.<br />Немного обо мне - я писатель в стиле Льва Толстого (читатели говорят) - автор бестселлера книги (Перепишите свою судьбу ) имею 22х летний опыт консультации людей из 16 стран.<br />Отзывы поиск в интернете Кырпалэ Николай.<br />Услуги: Телефонный или онлайн разговор в мессенджерах 100р./ 1мин<br />Переписка в любой чат Ватсап итд 120р/1мин<br />Личная встреча (возможны только после переписки.)<br />Как заказать: -Оплатить услугу - предоплата на номер телефона, яндекс кошелек, PayPal, или карту.<br />-Приготовить Вопрос или Тему для обсуждения (Опишите свою проблему, ваши чувства, изменчивость вашего поведения и настроения. Что говорят о вас ваши родственники и друзья до того, как вы поняли, что у вас проблема и после итд. )<br />-Согласовать время проведения. ( написать в Ватсап, прислать логин скайп или месенджера)<br />-Проверить компьютер или телефон для консультации, микрофон, наушники, -Получить советы.<br />Бонус-Спешите только в этом сезоне - Бесплатный Бонус для всех супружеских пар - Участие в событии освежающее Отношения - Фестиваль Счастливых Семей.<br />Сохраните мой телефон и сайт в закладках если не сейчас, то когда-нибудь обязательно пригодится вам или вашим знакомым.<br />☛ делимся счастьем ☀ присоединяйтесь к Марафону миллион+ счастливых подписчиков Клуба Счастливых Семей на сайте и поделитесь марафоном с 4+ вашими друзьями, для сотрудничества, стать добровольцем и сделать пожертвование ✿ Чтобы пожертвовать, просто скачайте Книги для жизни из моего магазина комментируйте мои обсуждения в фб вк ок инстаграм и в ютубе, подпишитесь и для Помощи ✆ Звоните где бы вы не находились<br />Ваш писатель - коуч Николай Кырпалэ - Помогаю людям переписывать мысли в Счастливую жизнь по телефону +7 981 130 83 85 Ватсапп, звоните сейчас!
Отзывы рекомендации - Семейный Коуч +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон, Ватсап -...

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Советы Коуч +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон

Советы Коуч +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон, Ватсап - выслушаю, поддержу, помогу советом в принятии решения - любую проблему можно решить, цель достичь и мечту осуществить!!!
Сайт Звоните.
Эксклюзивная методика - скорая онлайн помощь быстрого реагирования в вашем Телефоне, Планшете, Компьютере. Закажите сейчас индивидуальную консультацию - звоните +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон, Ватсап, Вайбер, Мессенджер, Вк, ОК, Телеграм, - все обсудим, мы найдём решение…(проблемы в паре, жизненные ситуации, бытовые ситуации, отношения, бизнес ситуации и пр).
Пора заняться личной жизнью! Постоянно совершенствуйтесь для Счастья!
Чем ещё могу помочь? • Советы для Жизни, Советы для пар, Советы для Бизнеса. • Ответы на главные вопросы жизни. • Консультации по жизненным вопросам. • Как наладить Отношения.
• Семейная консультация - консультации для супругов итд.
Встречи онлайн в любой момент, возможно и реальная встреча, обговаривается отдельно.
Немного обо мне - я писатель в стиле Льва Толстого (читатели говорят) - автор бестселлера книги (Перепишите свою судьбу ) имею 22х летний опыт консультации людей из 16 стран.
Отзывы поиск в интернете Кырпалэ Николай.
Услуги: Телефонный или онлайн разговор в мессенджерах 100р./ 1мин
Переписка в любой чат Ватсап итд 120р/1мин
Личная встреча (возможны только после переписки.)
Как заказать: -Оплатить услугу - предоплата на номер телефона, яндекс кошелек, PayPal, или карту.
-Приготовить Вопрос или Тему для обсуждения (Опишите свою проблему, ваши чувства, изменчивость вашего поведения и настроения. Что говорят о вас ваши родственники и друзья до того, как вы поняли, что у вас проблема и после итд. )
-Согласовать время проведения. ( написать в Ватсап, прислать логин скайп или месенджера)
-Проверить компьютер или телефон для консультации, микрофон, наушники, -Получить советы.
Бонус-Спешите только в этом сезоне - Бесплатный Бонус для всех супружеских пар - Участие в событии освежающее Отношения - Фестиваль Счастливых Семей.
Сохраните мой телефон и сайт в закладках если не сейчас, то когда-нибудь обязательно пригодится вам или вашим знакомым.
☛ делимся счастьем ☀ присоединяйтесь к Марафону миллион+ счастливых подписчиков Клуба Счастливых Семей на сайте и поделитесь марафоном с 4+ вашими друзьями, для сотрудничества, стать добровольцем и сделать пожертвование ✿ Чтобы пожертвовать, просто скачайте Книги для жизни из моего магазина комментируйте мои обсуждения в фб вк ок инстаграм и в ютубе, подпишитесь и для Помощи ✆ Звоните где бы вы не находились
Ваш писатель - коуч Николай Кырпалэ - Помогаю людям переписывать мысли в Счастливую жизнь по телефону +7 981 130 83 85 Ватсапп, звоните сейчас!
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Советы Коуч +7 981 130 83 85 Телефон, Ватсап - выслушаю, поддержу, помогу...

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Peace builder's kickoff campaign, 5th September 2020s

The long awaited Peace builder's kickoff campaign finally took place yesterday 5th September 2020.

Here is full article from yesterday's meeting.

*World Unite For Peace.*

We must unite to achieve peace. The world should unite together as one global family of humankind under God was the main consensus of 5th September 2020 online zoom Ultimate Global Peace by 2020s Campaign Kickoff. Promoting peace globally, for this mission Mr Nicolae Cirpala writer-global activist, united People and Organizations to finalize Building world Peace by 2020s. To achieve this, a meeting was conducted to promote global peace building by 2020s. The event was also live broadcasted in Facebook Youtube and all other big social media channels. As it is in the meeting topic name "Ultimate Global Peace by 2020s Campaign", participants ask all speakers to speak concretely how to finish building ultimate World Peace by 2020s, Tools for peace, best practices, and how we can build World Peace in 2020s?

What are the organizational peace projects?

There was great motivational start. Also organizations collected all ideas at the meeting and after came to an action plan and activities. Speakers was from all over the world; Asia Europe, Africa Americas presented great ideas to promote peace. Speakers spoke in one voice that ultimate world peace suppose to be set up in 2020s, to pass to next generations a united peace globally.

*Speakers names and topics:*

*Nicolae Cirpala* - Ultimate Global Peace by 2020s Campaign Kickoff,

*Dr. Piya Ratna Maharjan*- Youth for peace Speaker,

*Mr. Sadeque Hussain* - Addressing global issue and its resolution,

*Ann Phua Hu* - Youth engagement for inner peace Speaker,

*Sehrish Khan* - Tourism Promote Peace,

*Steven Ong* - Entrepreneurship Driving Social Changes To Bring about Global Peace,

*Faith Hung* - Speaking on Diversity and Inclusion through dialogues in community work or education scene,

*Gayatri Jat*- Tourism For Peace,

*Amb Wilson* - Transformative pedagogy for peace building,

*Moses Walusimbi-* inclusive participation and access for all,

*Jazbita Shihrin*- Youth & Peace to achieve sustainability,

*Dr. Mohsin Kamal* -Global Peace & Goodwill Civility Ambassador speech,

*Mervat Massoud Gaballah Ali Qatosh*- Peace Education,

*Achuo Resco Fang*- Youths engagement in achieving world peace,

*Nabeel Al-Huraibi Al-Katheeri* Tolerance and peace,

*Ugwumadu Jane*- World Peace,

*Mohamed Ghouse* - Humanily will build Peace in the world,

*Kingsley Osuji* - Violent Extremism and the Panacea for world peace,

*Joseph Mgoo* - speak on how I and my organization propose for cooperation for building world peace,

*Cicely Greaves* - speak about Understanding that Peace is within,

*Umoren Victoria Aniesineno* - Poverty, A Threat To World Peace. Article by reporter Sehrish Khan



Media coverage  Asrarr-News

The long awaited Peace builder's kickoff campaign finally took place yesterday 5th September 2020.<br />Here is full article from yesterday's meeting.<br /><br />*World Unite For Peace.*<br /><br />We must unite to achieve peace. The world should unite together as one global family of humankind under God was the main consensus of 5th September 2020 online zoom Ultimate Global Peace by 2020s Campaign Kickoff. Promoting peace globally, for this mission Mr Nicolae Cirpala writer-global activist, united People and Organizations to finalize Building world Peace by 2020s. To achieve this, a meeting was conducted to promote global peace building by 2020s. The event was also live broadcasted in Facebook Youtube and all other big social media channels. As it is in the meeting topic name "Ultimate Global Peace by 2020s Campaign", participants ask all speakers to speak concretely how to finish building ultimate World Peace by 2020s, Tools for peace, best practices, and how we can build World Peace in 2020s? <br />What are the organizational peace projects? <br /><br />There was great motivational start. Also organizations collected all ideas at the meeting and after came to an action plan and activities. Speakers was from all over the world; Asia Europe, Africa Americas presented great ideas to promote peace. Speakers spoke in one voice that ultimate world peace suppose to be set up in 2020s, to pass to next generations a united peace globally.<br /><br />*Speakers names and topics:*<br /><br />*Nicolae Cirpala* - Ultimate Global Peace by 2020s Campaign Kickoff, <br /><br />*Dr. Piya Ratna Maharjan*- Youth for peace Speaker,  <br /><br />*Mr. Sadeque Hussain* - Addressing global issue and its resolution,  <br /><br />*Ann Phua Hu* - Youth engagement for inner peace Speaker, <br /><br />*Sehrish Khan* - Tourism Promote Peace, <br /><br />*Steven Ong* - Entrepreneurship Driving Social Changes To Bring about Global Peace, <br /><br />*Faith Hung* - Speaking on Diversity and Inclusion through dialogues in community work or education scene, <br /><br />*Gayatri Jat*- Tourism For Peace, <br /><br />*Amb Wilson* - Transformative pedagogy for peace building, <br /><br />*Moses Walusimbi-* inclusive participation and access for all, <br /><br />*Jazbita Shihrin*- Youth & Peace to achieve sustainability, <br /><br />*Dr. Mohsin Kamal* -Global Peace & Goodwill Civility Ambassador speech, <br /><br />*Mervat Massoud Gaballah Ali Qatosh*- Peace Education, <br /><br />*Achuo Resco Fang*- Youths engagement in achieving world peace, <br /><br />*Nabeel Al-Huraibi Al-Katheeri* Tolerance and peace, <br /><br />*Ugwumadu Jane*- World Peace, <br /><br />*Mohamed Ghouse* - Humanily will build Peace in the world, <br /><br />*Kingsley Osuji* - Violent Extremism and the Panacea for world peace,<br /> <br />*Joseph Mgoo* - speak on how I and my organization propose for cooperation for building world peace, <br /><br />*Cicely Greaves* - speak about Understanding that Peace is within, <br /><br />*Umoren Victoria Aniesineno* - Poverty, A Threat To World Peace. Article by reporter Sehrish Khan<br /><br />Video1 <br /><br />Video2<br /><br />Media coverage  Asrarr-News<br /><br />Some comments from the meeting: -Abdulhamied from UAE. I am pleased to be part of this distinguished group. I would to invite all of you to our Asian Regional Tolerance Across Cultures to be held November 16-17,2020 Virtually as well. It is organized by the International Foundation for Tolerance based in the USA. If you want to speak please ask for the call for papers.<br /><br />-Md. Aowlad Hossain” Let's know how to develop a person's mentality, build the ability to lead and spread the qualities that are needed to spread humanity around. Serve the following qualities:<br /><br />In order for the leader to express himself properly and to create a new way of thinking, a leader must eliminate and accept all these things from within himself.<br /><br />1. Instead of greed, transparency must be brought to people's hearts..<br /><br />2. Instead of violence, love must be brought into the human heart so that that love can cleanse the human heart and destroy the violence.<br /><br />3. Instead of arrogance, you have to bring insignificance in your heart so that you can feel inferior and give precedence to others. Don't exaggerate yourself.<br /><br />4. Instead of being stingy, people must bring generosity into their hearts so that they can love one another and cooperate with one another in a timely manner.<br /><br />5. Instead of anger, people must have patience so that people do not do bad things because of anger or get confused and make wrong decisions”<br /><br />One movement can change your life forever....<br /><br />Life is very beautiful .... you just need to know...<br /><br />Sadness and happiness it's a part of life...<br /><br />Life is so knowledgeable ... And the Nature is a great Science ... Who create This Nature and the Universe (The Great Creator) include in this creations full of knowledge and Science..<br /><br />We just need to know and believe on it.....<br /><br />Sadness and happiness their skin for each other..<br /><br />If you want to know, what is Happiness? first you need to know about sadness ..<br /><br />On the other side, if you want to know about sadness you must feel before that happiness..<br /><br />(Hope you can understand)<br /><br />Wish for all of your good health and happiness..<br /><br /> - Faith Hung “I feel people also need to learn to accept love and that they are deserving of it. Many a times when I help others, they can turn it down in negative ways. To some people, help is not an expression of love, but a means of putting them down, eventually they will deny themselves of love.”<br /><br /> -Worlanyo Zowonu - Peace is dynamic, peace is unique, until we tackle the root of conflict and engage Youth in our communities and include them in decision making peace cannot be fully achieved.<br /><br />-Wafaa Abu Qadri. Peace is one of the most important foundations of life, and it is the main reason for the stability and prosperity of states, and the best way to maintain a carefree life free from wars and conflicts. It generates a sense of sadness and helplessness, and makes the face of life dark and gloomy, and peace spreads love around, reduces the rate of sadness and pain, and helps to spread positive energy among people, and get rid of negative energy, so everyone should strive for peace, and be the slogan Permanent in life. With you, Wafaa Abu Qadri. I live in the Emirates<br /><br />-Jane Ugwumadu - Peace is not just a WORD .It is an act of DOING. Words on PEACE alone is never enough if there is no DOING. It is time we all stand up for peace through our communications,actions and reach outs.Peace comes from the heart before it can manifest outwardly.If one does not cultivate positive thoughts towards another, there is NO PEACE.<br /><br />In my Mission called SAVE A CHILD MISSION, peace rules in the mission. Anyone who joins us could feel the presence of peace ,peace of mind and at heart. Peace brings SUCCESS,ACHIEVEMENTS,INNER JOY and it also creates boundless love.<br /><br />Country should embrace one another ,culture, religion, should have the act of peaceful environment for one another. We can achieve a whole lot if peace reigns in the world. The children can also grow healthy both mentally and physically when there is PEACE. If nothing has thought us the importance of peace, it is this pandemic. It has truly showed us that peace matters,it has made countries that have been at loggerheads with each other retrace their step<br /><br />and take care of their country needs in battling the coronavirus therefore instantly creating a peaceful environment.<br /><br />PEACE IS AN IMPORTANT ASPECT OF LIVING.LETS EMBRACE IT<br /><br />Speeches:<br /><br />-Mohamed Ghouse Indian Businessman in KUWAIT. My topic is. Humanity will build Peace in the world. Humanitarian never looks Race. Colour. Finance and Country. Every human is valuable. Every valuable is Human Being. Everything possible to do in the world if we Honest. So Honest only we will get from Human Being. We should build together human being first. Then we together fight for peace in the world. Alone never giving any success. Unity always giving huge success<br /><br />-The future peace and stability of many societies also hangs on whether they are investing enough in opportunities for their youth and enabling them to play a meaningful role in shaping their future. Our world has its largest ever generation of adolescents and youth – standing at over 2 billion. These young people have hopes and dreams, and with doors open to them will bring a demographic dividend to their nations. But unemployed and frustrated youth are a time bomb in any society. We neglect youth at our peril. “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” “Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.” If we have no peace it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other... "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." —Albert Einstein Moving on, women must be encouraged to take up leadership positions, it rare to see women gathered and going to war, naturally they are peace loving. I advocate for women leaders, they have a key roll to play in maintaining peace. My beloved county Ghana will be going to the polls on December 7th I entrust my fellow Ghanaian to be ambassadors of peace and unity, remember we have only one Ghana let protect it with peace. If everyone of us can accept the responsibility to maintain peace all over the world then we are good to go. I pledge to be an ambassador of Peace. Peace be unto Ghana. Peace be unto Africa. Peace be to the world.<br /><br />- author Nabeel Al-Huraibi Al-Katheeri- In mid-August 2020, I announced the "Emirates of Tolerance and Peace" initiative and the issuance of a joint book and the establishment of social media sites to support and support it. I was the first to nominate His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, may God protect him, for the Nobel Peace Prize in an article entitled "Nobel for those who deserve it" published In Al-Khobar Al-Youm newspaper on August 19, 2020.The number of participants in the initiative during 14 days reached more than 65 participants. They sent 23 poems by great poets, including Dr. Saeed bin Huimel Al Ameri, poet Hamda Al-Murr Al-Muhairi and Saudi poet Saqr bin Zain Al-Otaibi, and 42 articles by writers from the UAE and Arab countries, including Dr. Ahmed Saeed Al-Badi and writer Umaimah Al-Ajamiah From the Sultanate of Oman and the Emirati writer Ahmed Ibrahim.The initiative aims to publish a book with the participation of peace-loving people from the whole world and to establish social media sites that seek to strengthen the role of tolerance and peace between Arab youth and the youth of the world and to reject violence, terrorism and hatred, and to spread tolerance and peace in the world, in addition to establishing effective communication channels with various young people in the world to exchange cultures .The initiative of Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed to establish peace in the region has dealt painful and systematic blows to the advocates of violence, extremism, hatred and terrorism, as they no longer stand up for them and they are floundering, right and left, in foolish reactions and hollow statements in order to save their faces in front of their people after their leadership and financing of terrorist regimes and gangs were exposed in Region and beyond. In the foreseeable future, I expect that we will start sending student delegations in parallel with the reception of student delegations between Arab universities and world universities in order to strengthen the bonds of friendship and consolidate the principle of coexistence, tolerance and peace among the peoples of the world for the benefit of future youth and the harvest. For future generations, there will be one world pervading the thought of friendship, love, tolerance and peace.<br /><br />Journalist and author Nabeel Al-Huraibi Al-Katheeri Founder of Culture, Arts and Creativity Forum Founder of the Arab Creativity Forum Founder of the Emirates of Tolerance and Peace Forum Founder of the Global Tolerance Forum<br /><br />- Ugwumadu Jane, I am from Nigeria Director at Save A Child Mission that advocates for the rights of children and I would like to have some few words on WORLD PEACE. Peace is not just a WORD .It is an act of DOING. Words on PEACE alone is never enough if there is no DOING. It is time we all stand up for peace through our communications, actions and reach outs.Peace comes from the heart before it can manifest outwardly. If one does not cultivate positive thoughts towards another, there is NO PEACE. <br /><br />In my Mission called SAVE A CHILD MISSION, peace rules in the mission. Anyone who joins us could feel the presence of peace ,peace of mind and at heart. Peace brings SUCCESS,ACHIEVEMENTS,INNER JOY and it also creates boundless love.<br /><br />Country should embrace one another, culture, religion, should have the act of peaceful environment for one another. We can achieve a whole lot if peace reigns in the world. The children can also grow healthy both mentally and physically when there is PEACE. If nothing has thought us the importance of peace, it is this pandemic. It has truly showed us that peace matters, it has made countries that have been at loggerheads with each other retrace their step and take care of their country needs in battling the coronavirus therefore instantly creating a peaceful environment.<br /><br />PEACE IS AN IMPORTANT ASPECT OF LIVING.LETS EMBRACE IT.<br /><br />- Umoren Victoria Aniesineno - Poverty, A Threat To World Peace. Poverty is the main cause of violence, insecurity in our world. People resort to violence because of little benefit that comes with it. Therefore, it is necessary and a matter of urgency to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. Also government of every country should ensure equal share of national wealth. Both the poor and the rich should be given equal opportunity. Employment should also be created to mitigate poverty.  <br /><br />As a result of this, the organization where I work currently, MTC ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED, carries out graduate trainee program for young people to excel in their career. We are currently introducing an entrepreneurship program as well so that people can be empowered.<br /><br />-A few points on some of the ways to promoting peace. We can talk of youths volunteering much in community based organizations that works towards peace building. 2) making personal commitment to nonviolence. 3) knowledge sharing. 4) building cooperation, tolerance and shared values. By so doing we can create a world that has space for everyone. 5) mentoring the young ones and showing them how to be kind to the vulnerable, people of different race, disabled etc and every person who appears to be different with them. Because peace is not just the absence of war but the absence of inequality, poverty and unemployment. Alot of our young people found themselves as rabels because they have nothing to do, so if kept busy with school, or work, be it voluntary, we need as much platforms as these to bring about our feelings and seek for better and nonviolence resolutions. basically this is a call also to teachers in our communities as are influential to the learners to strongly teach peace, along with other institutions because this is a global call that should not be left entirely to a single sector instead, we need all hands on this. We need policy makers in the his because more of policy changes needs to be done. Information sharing is power! Thank you.<br /><br />Interview with participants: Amb.Md.Aowled Hossain” Great program. Do this type of program many more. Because peace and humanity for all. Thanks for arrange this program because every human heart needs to change... The situation in our society will remain the same as long as the urge to do good deeds and the prohibition of bad deeds do not come... The world has become much more modern but man still can’t make any machine to change the human heart... Only human beings are capable of changing human beings. "Man is a device that can only change itself" People can influence and change another person by changing themselves.. The best creature of human creation but five things destroy man ... Greed, Jealousy, Miserliness, Arrogance, Anger .... Wealthy people create wealth, by depriving others of their wealth .... All the wealthy people in this world have become rich by enjoying someone's wealth ..<br /><br />Because the resources of the earth are limited and no one can create a single point amount of wealth... It is possible for man to change the form of the transformation of an object..But It is not possible for man to create an object.”<br /><br />-Astha kandel from Nepal ” Thank you very much sir, for the more information and fruitful session. I hope you and your country will bring another opportunity to gather more knowledge and to raise a voice of independence choice of youth's... Thank you! Is there have another session then please notify me sir”<br /><br /> - “I was impressed with such high level of selected panel of professionals and practitioners. All dedicated to the betterment of humanity. The meeting was well organized and everybody was on track. Many thanks for organizing this and for inviting me to be part of it. Excellent”<br /><br />  -Very important – I need your help too, been a writer-global activist I’m working daily uniting People and Organizations to finalize Building Heavenly Kingdom in 2020s! Please Join happy life Marathon to Save and Bless 7B+ people in Heavenly Parent’s Holly Community Global Peace Building Network. I’m Looking for Cooperation and <br />☛ let's become Best Friends, join now and invite your friends, post a comment to my Vital discussions in: FB Instagram Twitter and Youtube subscribe, share #MessageToBillions and for Cooperation, to Donate, to Volunteer, to receive marriage blessing or Counseling call me +7 981 130 83 85 phone whatsapp

Some comments from the meeting: -Abdulhamied from UAE. I am pleased to be part of this distinguished group. I would to invite all of you to our Asian Regional Tolerance Across Cultures to be held November 16-17,2020 Virtually as well. It is organized by the International Foundation for Tolerance based in the USA. If you want to speak please ask for the call for papers.

-Md. Aowlad Hossain” Let's know how to develop a person's mentality, build the ability to lead and spread the qualities that are needed to spread humanity around. Serve the following qualities:

In order for the leader to express himself properly and to create a new way of thinking, a leader must eliminate and accept all these things from within himself.

1. Instead of greed, transparency must be brought to people's hearts..

2. Instead of violence, love must be brought into the human heart so that that love can cleanse the human heart and destroy the violence.

3. Instead of arrogance, you have to bring insignificance in your heart so that you can feel inferior and give precedence to others. Don't exaggerate yourself.

4. Instead of being stingy, people must bring generosity into their hearts so that they can love one another and cooperate with one another in a timely manner.

5. Instead of anger, people must have patience so that people do not do bad things because of anger or get confused and make wrong decisions”

One movement can change your life forever....

Life is very beautiful .... you just need to know...

Sadness and happiness it's a part of life...

Life is so knowledgeable ... And the Nature is a great Science ... Who create This Nature and the Universe (The Great Creator) include in this creations full of knowledge and Science..

We just need to know and believe on it.....

Sadness and happiness their skin for each other..

If you want to know, what is Happiness? first you need to know about sadness ..

On the other side, if you want to know about sadness you must feel before that happiness..

(Hope you can understand)

Wish for all of your good health and happiness..

 - Faith Hung “I feel people also need to learn to accept love and that they are deserving of it. Many a times when I help others, they can turn it down in negative ways. To some people, help is not an expression of love, but a means of putting them down, eventually they will deny themselves of love.”

 -Worlanyo Zowonu - Peace is dynamic, peace is unique, until we tackle the root of conflict and engage Youth in our communities and include them in decision making peace cannot be fully achieved.

-Wafaa Abu Qadri. Peace is one of the most important foundations of life, and it is the main reason for the stability and prosperity of states, and the best way to maintain a carefree life free from wars and conflicts. It generates a sense of sadness and helplessness, and makes the face of life dark and gloomy, and peace spreads love around, reduces the rate of sadness and pain, and helps to spread positive energy among people, and get rid of negative energy, so everyone should strive for peace, and be the slogan Permanent in life. With you, Wafaa Abu Qadri. I live in the Emirates

-Jane Ugwumadu - Peace is not just a WORD .It is an act of DOING. Words on PEACE alone is never enough if there is no DOING. It is time we all stand up for peace through our communications,actions and reach outs.Peace comes from the heart before it can manifest outwardly.If one does not cultivate positive thoughts towards another, there is NO PEACE.

In my Mission called SAVE A CHILD MISSION, peace rules in the mission. Anyone who joins us could feel the presence of peace ,peace of mind and at heart. Peace brings SUCCESS,ACHIEVEMENTS,INNER JOY and it also creates boundless love.

Country should embrace one another ,culture, religion, should have the act of peaceful environment for one another. We can achieve a whole lot if peace reigns in the world. The children can also grow healthy both mentally and physically when there is PEACE. If nothing has thought us the importance of peace, it is this pandemic. It has truly showed us that peace matters,it has made countries that have been at loggerheads with each other retrace their step

and take care of their country needs in battling the coronavirus therefore instantly creating a peaceful environment.



-Mohamed Ghouse Indian Businessman in KUWAIT. My topic is. Humanity will build Peace in the world. Humanitarian never looks Race. Colour. Finance and Country. Every human is valuable. Every valuable is Human Being. Everything possible to do in the world if we Honest. So Honest only we will get from Human Being. We should build together human being first. Then we together fight for peace in the world. Alone never giving any success. Unity always giving huge success

-The future peace and stability of many societies also hangs on whether they are investing enough in opportunities for their youth and enabling them to play a meaningful role in shaping their future. Our world has its largest ever generation of adolescents and youth – standing at over 2 billion. These young people have hopes and dreams, and with doors open to them will bring a demographic dividend to their nations. But unemployed and frustrated youth are a time bomb in any society. We neglect youth at our peril. “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” “Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.” If we have no peace it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other... "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." —Albert Einstein Moving on, women must be encouraged to take up leadership positions, it rare to see women gathered and going to war, naturally they are peace loving. I advocate for women leaders, they have a key roll to play in maintaining peace. My beloved county Ghana will be going to the polls on December 7th I entrust my fellow Ghanaian to be ambassadors of peace and unity, remember we have only one Ghana let protect it with peace. If everyone of us can accept the responsibility to maintain peace all over the world then we are good to go. I pledge to be an ambassador of Peace. Peace be unto Ghana. Peace be unto Africa. Peace be to the world.

- author Nabeel Al-Huraibi Al-Katheeri- In mid-August 2020, I announced the "Emirates of Tolerance and Peace" initiative and the issuance of a joint book and the establishment of social media sites to support and support it. I was the first to nominate His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, may God protect him, for the Nobel Peace Prize in an article entitled "Nobel for those who deserve it" published In Al-Khobar Al-Youm newspaper on August 19, 2020.The number of participants in the initiative during 14 days reached more than 65 participants. They sent 23 poems by great poets, including Dr. Saeed bin Huimel Al Ameri, poet Hamda Al-Murr Al-Muhairi and Saudi poet Saqr bin Zain Al-Otaibi, and 42 articles by writers from the UAE and Arab countries, including Dr. Ahmed Saeed Al-Badi and writer Umaimah Al-Ajamiah From the Sultanate of Oman and the Emirati writer Ahmed Ibrahim.The initiative aims to publish a book with the participation of peace-loving people from the whole world and to establish social media sites that seek to strengthen the role of tolerance and peace between Arab youth and the youth of the world and to reject violence, terrorism and hatred, and to spread tolerance and peace in the world, in addition to establishing effective communication channels with various young people in the world to exchange cultures .The initiative of Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed to establish peace in the region has dealt painful and systematic blows to the advocates of violence, extremism, hatred and terrorism, as they no longer stand up for them and they are floundering, right and left, in foolish reactions and hollow statements in order to save their faces in front of their people after their leadership and financing of terrorist regimes and gangs were exposed in Region and beyond. In the foreseeable future, I expect that we will start sending student delegations in parallel with the reception of student delegations between Arab universities and world universities in order to strengthen the bonds of friendship and consolidate the principle of coexistence, tolerance and peace among the peoples of the world for the benefit of future youth and the harvest. For future generations, there will be one world pervading the thought of friendship, love, tolerance and peace.

Journalist and author Nabeel Al-Huraibi Al-Katheeri Founder of Culture, Arts and Creativity Forum Founder of the Arab Creativity Forum Founder of the Emirates of Tolerance and Peace Forum Founder of the Global Tolerance Forum

- Ugwumadu Jane, I am from Nigeria Director at Save A Child Mission that advocates for the rights of children and I would like to have some few words on WORLD PEACE. Peace is not just a WORD .It is an act of DOING. Words on PEACE alone is never enough if there is no DOING. It is time we all stand up for peace through our communications, actions and reach outs.Peace comes from the heart before it can manifest outwardly. If one does not cultivate positive thoughts towards another, there is NO PEACE.

In my Mission called SAVE A CHILD MISSION, peace rules in the mission. Anyone who joins us could feel the presence of peace ,peace of mind and at heart. Peace brings SUCCESS,ACHIEVEMENTS,INNER JOY and it also creates boundless love.

Country should embrace one another, culture, religion, should have the act of peaceful environment for one another. We can achieve a whole lot if peace reigns in the world. The children can also grow healthy both mentally and physically when there is PEACE. If nothing has thought us the importance of peace, it is this pandemic. It has truly showed us that peace matters, it has made countries that have been at loggerheads with each other retrace their step and take care of their country needs in battling the coronavirus therefore instantly creating a peaceful environment.


- Umoren Victoria Aniesineno - Poverty, A Threat To World Peace. Poverty is the main cause of violence, insecurity in our world. People resort to violence because of little benefit that comes with it. Therefore, it is necessary and a matter of urgency to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. Also government of every country should ensure equal share of national wealth. Both the poor and the rich should be given equal opportunity. Employment should also be created to mitigate poverty.

As a result of this, the organization where I work currently, MTC ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED, carries out graduate trainee program for young people to excel in their career. We are currently introducing an entrepreneurship program as well so that people can be empowered.

-A few points on some of the ways to promoting peace. We can talk of youths volunteering much in community based organizations that works towards peace building. 2) making personal commitment to nonviolence. 3) knowledge sharing. 4) building cooperation, tolerance and shared values. By so doing we can create a world that has space for everyone. 5) mentoring the young ones and showing them how to be kind to the vulnerable, people of different race, disabled etc and every person who appears to be different with them. Because peace is not just the absence of war but the absence of inequality, poverty and unemployment. Alot of our young people found themselves as rabels because they have nothing to do, so if kept busy with school, or work, be it voluntary, we need as much platforms as these to bring about our feelings and seek for better and nonviolence resolutions. basically this is a call also to teachers in our communities as are influential to the learners to strongly teach peace, along with other institutions because this is a global call that should not be left entirely to a single sector instead, we need all hands on this. We need policy makers in the his because more of policy changes needs to be done. Information sharing is power! Thank you.

Interview with participants: Amb.Md.Aowled Hossain” Great program. Do this type of program many more. Because peace and humanity for all. Thanks for arrange this program because every human heart needs to change... The situation in our society will remain the same as long as the urge to do good deeds and the prohibition of bad deeds do not come... The world has become much more modern but man still can’t make any machine to change the human heart... Only human beings are capable of changing human beings. "Man is a device that can only change itself" People can influence and change another person by changing themselves.. The best creature of human creation but five things destroy man ... Greed, Jealousy, Miserliness, Arrogance, Anger .... Wealthy people create wealth, by depriving others of their wealth .... All the wealthy people in this world have become rich by enjoying someone's wealth ..

Because the resources of the earth are limited and no one can create a single point amount of wealth... It is possible for man to change the form of the transformation of an object..But It is not possible for man to create an object.”

-Astha kandel from Nepal ” Thank you very much sir, for the more information and fruitful session. I hope you and your country will bring another opportunity to gather more knowledge and to raise a voice of independence choice of youth's... Thank you! Is there have another session then please notify me sir”

 - “I was impressed with such high level of selected panel of professionals and practitioners. All dedicated to the betterment of humanity. The meeting was well organized and everybody was on track. Many thanks for organizing this and for inviting me to be part of it. Excellent”

  -Very important – I need your help too, been a writer-global activist I’m working daily uniting People and Organizations to finalize Building Heavenly Kingdom in 2020s! Please Join happy life Marathon to Save and Bless 7B+ people in Heavenly Parent’s Holly Community Global Peace Building Network. I’m Looking for Cooperation and

☛ let's become Best Friends, join now and invite your friends, post a comment to my Vital discussions in: FB Instagram Twitter and Youtube subscribe, share #MessageToBillions and for Cooperation, to Donate, to Volunteer, to receive marriage blessing or Counseling call me +7 981 130 83 85 phone whatsapp

Monday, July 6, 2020

Daily Motivational Quotes LIVE Best Public Speaker Video compilation

Guest speaker Nicolae Cirpala will organize presentations on demand for your online or offline events on any Life topics, Marriage, Business and even spiritual talks - order an prezentation call +7 981 130 83 85 phone whatsapp at
Guest speaker Nicolae Cirpala will organize presentations on demand for your online or offline events on any Life topics, Marriage, Business and even spiritual talks - in Eglish, Russian, Romanian freely and in all other languages with translator.

Nicolae Cirpala is a Public speaker for many years. He’s the author Happy Modern Homo Sapiens, The world of 2020s, Happy Marriage Blessed by God, Rewrite Own Fate, and has been translated into many languages.

Nicolae Cirpala has more than 24 years of experience in designing, implementation and monitoring of various developments, humanitarian and business projects. He worked in many countries, meeting thousands of people per day, raising constantly his qualification. Moreover he organized hundreds of trainings and projects in different areas of life. As an author writing self-help, self-improvement, visionary, predictions, faith, global peace building books and books for prosperous life and business. He is organizing presentations about at international seminars, conferences, symposiums, summits, expos and festivals.
Recommended fees starts from :
Online conferences - 100$
Events - 400$
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for a Presentations call +7 981 130 83 85 phone whatsapp☛ IMPORTANT - yes I am that one Nicolae Cirpala writer-global activist, uniting People and Organizations to finalize Building Heavenly Kingdom in 2020s - Join Now Global Peace Building Network - Heavenly Parent’s Holly Community and receive Salvation and Blessing for 1B+ people who will join this year.
Looking for Cooperation and let's become Best Friends join now, invite your friends.
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Thursday, July 2, 2020

Life Coaching Quotes daily Watch LIVE Best motivational Longest Video T...

Get Life Coaching now call +7 981 130 83 85 phone, WhatsApp - online Coaching from writer Nicolae Cirpala at author of Best sellers book Rewrite Own Fate - Life coach, Marriage counseling and Business consulting - helping people online to perfect their Life and Business. “Hello my Dear friend, how are you doing recently? Having many years’ experience in consulting people, I invite you to use this chance to leverage my skills and knowledge for your benefit at my online consultations.”
Nicolae Cirpala has more than 24 years of experience in designing, implementation and monitoring of various development and business projects. He works in 16 countries, meeting thousands of people per day, raising constantly his qualification. Also, he organized hundreds of trainings, conferences and projects for different areas of life. As author he is writing self-help, self-improvement, visionary, predictions, faith, global peace building books - books for life and business. He is giving presentations about it as guest speaker at international seminars and conferences.
References: internet search Nicolae Cirpala.
Life is good! Learn instantly online how to solve life problems, constantly improving the quality of your life.
How to order:
-Pay for service
-Prepare a Question or Topic for Discussion
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-Check the computer or phone for consultation, microphone, headphones
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Prices: - Phone or online conversation in messengers 1$ / 1min
- Online Chat, WhatsApp etc. 50$ / 1 hour
-Personal meeting 300$/ Hour + Airfare (Possible after online meeting.)
- Webinar 300 $/month
More meetings - discounts, 100% prepayment by PayPal, or card
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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Phone Consultation

Stop negative Thoughts, Anxiety and make your Life Happier - call now +7 981 130 83 85 Phone, WhatsApp Get online Counseling and webinars at from writer Nicolae Cirpala - author of Best sellers book Rewrite Own Fate - Life coach, Marriage counseling and Business consulting - helping people online at to perfect their Life and Business. “Hello my Dear friend, how are you doing recently? Having many years’ experience in consulting people, I invite you to use this chance to leverage my skills and knowledge for your benefit at my online consultations.”

Nicolae Cirpala has more than 24 years of experience in designing, implementation and monitoring of various development and business projects. He works in 16 countries, meeting thousands of people per day, raising constantly his qualification. Also, he organized hundreds of trainings, conferences and projects for different areas of life. As author he is writing self-help, self-improvement, visionary, predictions, faith, global peace building books - books for life and business. He is giving presentations about it as guest speaker at international seminars and conferences.

References: internet search Nicolae Cirpala.

Life is good! Learn instantly online how to solve life problems, constantly improving the quality of your life.

How to order:

-Pay for service

-Prepare a Question or Topic for Discussion

-Set up appointment. (send me your Skype or messenger contact )

-Check the computer or phone for consultation, microphone, headphones

-Get advice

Prices: - Phone or online conversation in messengers 1$ / 1min

- Online Chat, WhatsApp etc. 50$ / 1 ​​hour

-Personal meeting 300$/ Hour + Airfare (Possible after online meeting.)

- Webinar 300 $/month

More meetings - discounts, 100% prepayment by PayPal, or card

Feel Free to Download Nicolae Cirpala Books, support his vital initiatives and Join his interesting discussions in social networks: comment it, like it, share, subscribe and don’t hesitate to Call Now to get lifelong: Life coaching, Marriage counseling and Business consultations - online by: Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Phone +7 981 130 83 85 Live Chat

Monday, June 29, 2020

Top 10 Best Motivational Public Speakers, July 2020 – online Ratings 10....

Top 10 Best Motivational Public Speakers, July 2020 – online Ratings
10. Nicolae Cirpala
9. Brian Tracy
8. Nick Vujicic
7. Wayne Dyer
6. Zig Ziglar
5. Arnold Schwarzenegger
4. Jim Rohn
3. Les Brown
2. Tony Robbins
1. Eric Thomas

Top 10 Best Motivational Public Speakers, July 2020 – online Ratings<br />10. Nicolae Cirpala<br />9. Brian Tracy<br />8. Nick Vujicic<br />7. Wayne Dyer<br />6. Zig Ziglar<br />5. Arnold Schwarzenegger<br />4. Jim Rohn<br />3. Les Brown<br />2. Tony Robbins<br />1. Eric Thomas
Source: Top 10 Best Motivational Public Speakers, July 2020 – online Ratings 10....

10 Best sellers books, must read this summer, July 2020 1. Happy Marriage...

10 Best sellers books, must read this summer, July 2020

1. Happy Marriage Blessed by God, Nicolae Cirpala

This book will help you to develop marriage that you dream to build in your life time and to pass the love’s victory further to all of your descendants. Thus let’s start self-perfecting by reading this book one, two or more times and take notes of all ideas, inspirations and motivations that comes with the vision how to constantly improve own marriage…”

Buy Now:

2. Divine Principle, Sun Myung Moon

The Divine Principle is an excellent book to read if you ever wanted to know the true meaning of the parables in the Bible. Reverend Sun Myung Moon helps you to acquire a clear understanding of the Bible and what was being communicated at that time.

Buy Now: Divine Principle

3. Dr Hak Ja Han Moon’s autobiography

An autobiography of Dr Hak Ja Han Moon was unveiled in South Korea on Tuesday.

Amid the presence of over 3,000 guests, the book was released at KINTEX. “I cannot introduce God in this one single book, but I am very happy and thankful. I hope that you can become the sharers of God,” Dr Moon said during the function.

Yun Young Ho, chairman of the executive committee, presided over the event, and the first part of the event was held to commemorate the publication of the autobiography (dedication ceremony of Korea-U.S.-Japan, Offering the appreciation plague to the President of Kim Yung Sa Publication, Oh Se Gyu, Donation ceremony to libraries around Korea, Special Remark of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, offering of flowers).

The second part was to celebrate the inauguration of Mother Foundation (congratulatory remarks by Brigi Rafini, prime minister of Niger, donation ceremony to Heavenly Africa Project, a cutting ceremony of cakes, a proposal of toast, luncheon, and cultural performances.)

On the occasion, Dr Moon said “Instead of calling a special lecture, I would like to call it the introduction of God, the creator. Especially, how could I introduce God, the creator, in one book? God had to spend 6,000 years to look for his lost children, and he had to search and endure so that he could find his only begotten son and daughter who could understand him. And God had to wait and cry. Who could understand the heart of Heavenly Parent?”

However, from a human’s point of view, a woman can understand and express love and pain better, she said.

“But, instead of a man, a woman could understand better through the heart of love. Women can embrace and express better the heart of Heavenly Parent. Therefore, with the help of everyone around me, I was able to write this book, and express the heart of the Heavenly Parent, and introduce God to the world. I am very happy, and I am very grateful. Thank you very much. I want to ask every one of you to read, introduce, and share this with the rest of your neighbors so that you can share the love of God. I hope that you can become the sharers of God,” she added.

Buy Now: Dr Hak Ja Han Moon’s autobiography

4. American Harvest: God, Country, and Farming in the Heartland, Marie Mutsuki Mockett

In the summer of 2017, writer Marie Mutsuki Mockett joined a group of evangelical Christian wheat harvesters who worked on her family’s farmland in middle America. Growing up in California, Mockett had limited exposure to farming, so she decided to learn everything she could about the process by accompanying the workers in the field. In her memoir, she reflects on the time she spent getting to know the land and those who cared for it, revealing the many intersections between farming, religion and identity.

5. I Don’t Want to Die Poor: Essays, Michael Arceneaux

Like many Americans, writer Michael Arceneaux took out private student loans to finance his college degree. In his second essay collection, Arceneaux examines how the debt he carried with him after graduating from Howard University impacted most aspects of his life, from his relationship with his mother to how he dates. Though their subjects vary, the essays all point to a larger question about the true cost of higher education in the United States. Like in his debut I Can’t Date Jesus, Arceneaux’s voice is both enraged and humorous as he tackles the anxieties of financial insecurity.

Buy Now: I Don’t Want to Die Poor

6. Will Indie Bookstores Survive the Pandemic?

How the World Will Look in 2050 if We Don’t Tackle Climate Change

Buy Now: American Harvest

7. Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life, Marie Kondo and Scott Sonenshein

Ever been overwhelmed by your work space? If yes, Marie Kondo has plenty of advice for you. The author of the 2014 best-seller The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up has teamed up with business professor Scott Sonenshein to offer new strategies for decluttering the workplace. Sure, most of those who can are now working from home, but the lessons in Joy at Work are still applicable, whether they’re teaching you to be more thoughtful about structuring meetings or arranging the papers on your desk.

Buy Now: Joy at Work

8. Chosen Ones, Veronica Roth

Most teenage heroes don’t consider how drastically their lives will change once they’ve saved the world. Veronica Roth, known for her massively popular Divergent trilogy, breaks down those messy repercussions in her first novel for adults. In Chosen Ones, a group of five teens defeat an epically evil villain intent on destroying the world. Ten years later, they’re brought together by the death of one of their own, and are again tasked with saving humanity — but this time must do so as they grapple with the unforeseen consequences of their heroism: fame and PTSD.

Buy Now: Chosen Ones

9. Redhead by the Side of the Road, Anne Tyler

Pulitzer Prize winner Anne Tyler’s latest novel focuses on routine-obsessed Micah Mortimer, whose life is about to be thrown out of whack. The 40-something enjoyed his regimented schedule of exercise, work and daily chores until his lover announced she was getting evicted. To complicate matters more, the son of Micah’s college girlfriend appears at his door, claiming Micah is his father. As he decides what to do, Micah must learn to adapt, and, in doing so, risk losing the stability of a life he worked so hard to maintain.

Buy Now: Redhead by the Side of the Road

10. How Much of These Hills is Gold, C Pam Zhang

After their father dies, 12-year-old Lucy and 11-year-old Sam are left orphaned and with few resources to give his body a proper Chinese burial. In C Pam Zhang’s debut novel, the pair travel across towns in western America during the end of the gold rush, desperate to find what they need to honor the deceased. As she depicts their journey, Zhang prompts the reader to think about whose stories are told from this period of American history—fictional or not—and adds her urgent voice to the genre.

Buy Now: How Much of These

10 Best sellers books, must read this summer, July 2020<br />1. Happy Marriage Blessed by God, Nicolae Cirpala<br />This book will help you to develop marriage that you dream to build in your life time and to pass the love’s victory further to all of your descendants. Thus let’s start self-perfecting by reading this book one, two or more times and take notes of all ideas, inspirations and motivations that comes with the vision how to constantly improve own marriage…”<br />Buy Now:<br /><br />2. Divine Principle, Sun Myung Moon<br />The Divine Principle is an excellent book to read if you ever wanted to know the true meaning of the parables in the Bible. Reverend Sun Myung Moon helps you to acquire a clear understanding of the Bible and what was being communicated at that time.<br />Buy Now: Divine Principle<br /><br />3. Dr Hak Ja Han Moon’s autobiography<br />An autobiography of Dr Hak Ja Han Moon was unveiled in South Korea on Tuesday.<br /><br />Amid the presence of over 3,000 guests, the book was released at KINTEX. “I cannot introduce God in this one single book, but I am very happy and thankful. I hope that you can become the sharers of God,” Dr Moon said during the function.<br /><br />Yun Young Ho, chairman of the executive committee, presided over the event, and the first part of the event was held to commemorate the publication of the autobiography (dedication ceremony of Korea-U.S.-Japan, Offering the appreciation plague to the President of Kim Yung Sa Publication, Oh Se Gyu, Donation ceremony to libraries around Korea, Special Remark of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, offering of flowers).<br /><br />The second part was to celebrate the inauguration of Mother Foundation (congratulatory remarks by Brigi Rafini, prime minister of Niger, donation ceremony to Heavenly Africa Project, a cutting ceremony of cakes, a proposal of toast, luncheon, and cultural performances.)<br /><br />On the occasion, Dr Moon said “Instead of calling a special lecture, I would like to call it the introduction of God, the creator. Especially, how could I introduce God, the creator, in one book? God had to spend 6,000 years to look for his lost children, and he had to search and endure so that he could find his only begotten son and daughter who could understand him. And God had to wait and cry. Who could understand the heart of Heavenly Parent?”<br /><br />However, from a human’s point of view, a woman can understand and express love and pain better, she said.<br /><br />“But, instead of a man, a woman could understand better through the heart of love. Women can embrace and express better the heart of Heavenly Parent. Therefore, with the help of everyone around me, I was able to write this book, and express the heart of the Heavenly Parent, and introduce God to the world. I am very happy, and I am very grateful. Thank you very much. I want to ask every one of you to read, introduce, and share this with the rest of your neighbors so that you can share the love of God. I hope that you can become the sharers of God,” she added.<br />Buy Now: Dr Hak Ja Han Moon’s autobiography<br /><br />4. American Harvest: God, Country, and Farming in the Heartland, Marie Mutsuki Mockett<br />In the summer of 2017, writer Marie Mutsuki Mockett joined a group of evangelical Christian wheat harvesters who worked on her family’s farmland in middle America. Growing up in California, Mockett had limited exposure to farming, so she decided to learn everything she could about the process by accompanying the workers in the field. In her memoir, she reflects on the time she spent getting to know the land and those who cared for it, revealing the many intersections between farming, religion and identity.<br /><br />5. I Don’t Want to Die Poor: Essays, Michael Arceneaux<br />Like many Americans, writer Michael Arceneaux took out private student loans to finance his college degree. In his second essay collection, Arceneaux examines how the debt he carried with him after graduating from Howard University impacted most aspects of his life, from his relationship with his mother to how he dates. Though their subjects vary, the essays all point to a larger question about the true cost of higher education in the United States. Like in his debut I Can’t Date Jesus, Arceneaux’s voice is both enraged and humorous as he tackles the anxieties of financial insecurity.<br />Buy Now: I Don’t Want to Die Poor<br /><br />6. Will Indie Bookstores Survive the Pandemic?<br />How the World Will Look in 2050 if We Don’t Tackle Climate Change<br />Buy Now: American Harvest<br /><br />7. Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life, Marie Kondo and Scott Sonenshein<br />Ever been overwhelmed by your work space? If yes, Marie Kondo has plenty of advice for you. The author of the 2014 best-seller The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up has teamed up with business professor Scott Sonenshein to offer new strategies for decluttering the workplace. Sure, most of those who can are now working from home, but the lessons in Joy at Work are still applicable, whether they’re teaching you to be more thoughtful about structuring meetings or arranging the papers on your desk.<br />Buy Now: Joy at Work<br /><br />8. Chosen Ones, Veronica Roth<br />Most teenage heroes don’t consider how drastically their lives will change once they’ve saved the world. Veronica Roth, known for her massively popular Divergent trilogy, breaks down those messy repercussions in her first novel for adults. In Chosen Ones, a group of five teens defeat an epically evil villain intent on destroying the world. Ten years later, they’re brought together by the death of one of their own, and are again tasked with saving humanity — but this time must do so as they grapple with the unforeseen consequences of their heroism: fame and PTSD.<br />Buy Now: Chosen Ones<br /><br />9. Redhead by the Side of the Road, Anne Tyler<br />Pulitzer Prize winner Anne Tyler’s latest novel focuses on routine-obsessed Micah Mortimer, whose life is about to be thrown out of whack. The 40-something enjoyed his regimented schedule of exercise, work and daily chores until his lover announced she was getting evicted. To complicate matters more, the son of Micah’s college girlfriend appears at his door, claiming Micah is his father. As he decides what to do, Micah must learn to adapt, and, in doing so, risk losing the stability of a life he worked so hard to maintain.<br />Buy Now: Redhead by the Side of the Road<br /><br />10. How Much of These Hills is Gold, C Pam Zhang<br />After their father dies, 12-year-old Lucy and 11-year-old Sam are left orphaned and with few resources to give his body a proper Chinese burial. In C Pam Zhang’s debut novel, the pair travel across towns in western America during the end of the gold rush, desperate to find what they need to honor the deceased. As she depicts their journey, Zhang prompts the reader to think about whose stories are told from this period of American history—fictional or not—and adds her urgent voice to the genre.<br />Buy Now: How Much of These

10 Best sellers books, must read this summer, July 2020 1. Happy Marriage...

Daily Motivational Quotes - Best Video

Guest speaker Nicolae Cirpala will organize presentations on demand for your online or offline events on any Life topics, Marriage, Business and even spiritual talks - order an prezentation call +7 981 130 83 85 phone whatsapp at
Guest speaker Nicolae Cirpala will organize presentations on demand for your online or offline events on any Life topics, Marriage, Business and even spiritual talks - in Eglish, Russian, Romanian freely and in all other languages with translator.

Nicolae Cirpala is a Public speaker for many years. He’s the author Happy Modern Homo Sapiens, The world of 2020s, Happy Marriage Blessed by God, Rewrite Own Fate, and has been translated into many languages.

Nicolae Cirpala has more than 24 years of experience in designing, implementation and monitoring of various developments, humanitarian and business projects. He worked in many countries, meeting thousands of people per day, raising constantly his qualification. Moreover he organized hundreds of trainings and projects in different areas of life. As an author writing self-help, self-improvement, visionary, predictions, faith, global peace building books and books for prosperous life and business. He is organizing presentations about at international seminars, conferences, symposiums, summits, expos and festivals.
Recommended fees starts from :
Online conferences - 100$
Events - 400$
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#MessageToBillions and

for a Presentations call +7 981 130 83 85 phone whatsapp☛ IMPORTANT - yes I am that one Nicolae Cirpala writer-global activist, uniting People and Organizations to finalize Building Heavenly Kingdom in 2020s - Join Now Global Peace Building Network - Heavenly Parent’s Holly Community and receive Salvation and Blessing for 1B+ people who will join this year.
Looking for Cooperation and let's become Best Friends join now, invite your friends.
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#MessageToBillions and
for Consultation, volunteering or cooperation call +7 981 130 83 85 phone whatsapp